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“Posmrtnost” / “Afterlife”
ciklus / cycle
Vrt Komenskega 8, Ljubljana, iz cikla Štirje letni časi
na Vrtu / Jesen 2006
Garden Komenskega 8, Ljubljana, From cycle Four seasons in the Garden / Autumn
13. 9. - 10. 10. 2006
Karmen Jazbec je že med študijem kiparstva na Likovni akademiji
začela razvijati svoj poliestrski cikel, pri čemer je ostala
zvesta klasičnim kiparskim postopkom odlivanja. Ukvarjanje
s snovnostjo kiparskega materiala ji pomeni poseben izziv
in le na videz zgleda, kot da gre pri njenem delu zgolj za
fascinacijo nad figuraliko. Za tem pa stoji bistveno kompleksnejši
koncept. Material kot je poliester ji omogoča razbremeniti
težo samega dela, hkrati pa se avtorica loteva kiparskih postopkov, ki so po
meri človeka in jih je sama fizično zmožna izvesti. Le na tak način se lahko
približa tistim vsebinam, ki jo najbolj vznemirjajo - absurdnosti
materialističnega človekovega bivanja v današnji
družbi in banaliziranju Erosa in Thanatosa.
Kiparski svet Karmen Jazbec je eden tistih, ki zares spregovori šele takrat,
ko odmislimo trenutno realnost, se spustimo vanj in ne obstanemo le pri posameznem
kosu umetnine, ko pravzaprav onkraj njegove, sicer doživeto obdelane materije,
zaznamo pravo
bistvo avtoričinega zanimanja. Le-to je bilo nakazano že v delu Končnost minljivosti,
spirali, kjer je avtorica ustvarila časovni model cikličnega vračanja v ponovno
življenje, ki je nasproten krščanskemu linearizmu. Pred nami se razprejo vprašanja
o možnostih bivanja, o vsem, kar je neznanega in okoli česar so že starodavne
civilizacije in kulture spletale svoje zgodbe in mite. Mezopotamska ljubimca
(delo z naslovom Skupaj), ki so
ju usmrtili, sta le ena od številnih, ki porajata vprašanja o tem, kako sta
se v trenutku ločitve drug od drugega in od tega sveta počutila ter kakšno
je bilo presenečenje njunih duš, ko sta se znova srečali v onostranstvu, saj
kateri sta pripadala, nasprotno od Egipčanov,
ni verjela v posmrtno življenje in ponovno rojstvo.
Številne figure iz njenega poliestrskega cikla Posmrtnost, ki nastaja zadnjih
deset let, so večinoma v parih. Dela Zadnja podoba ter Speči in Speča se nanašajo
na avtoričinega partnerja in najboljšo prijateljico, ki sta tragično preminula,
vendar pa ji njena vera v
reinkarnacijo in ponovno snidenje daje moč in tolažbo ob izgubi ter smisel
bivanja ob zavedanju, da ta izguba ni dokončna. Deli Večna ljubimca in Pasti
za duše pa sta podobi nenehnega vračanja in avtoričinega verjetja v reinkarnacijo.
Trenutek prestopa ni tisto, kar avtorico najbolj fascinira, saj ne posveča
toliko pozornosti samemu prehodu v svetlobo kot pa ponovnemu snidenju v posmrtnosti.
“Tako poliestrske mase,
iz katerih so kipi odliti, ne predstavljajo plastičnih vreč, v katerih gnije
meso mrtvecev, temveč sugerirajo prodor svetlobe
v izpraznjeno lupino telesa. Kip, ki naj po ustaljenih obrazcih izraža voluminoznost,
se tukaj spremeni v podobo, izpolnjeno s prosojnostjo.*1
Barbara Sterle Vurnik
Already during her sculpture studies at the Academy of Fine
Arts, Karmen Jazbec started her polyester series, while remaining
faithful to established sculptural practices. She finds great
challenge in working with sculptural material, and it is
only on first impression
that her work appears to focus merely on figures and forms. However, a more
complex concept underlies her art. Material such as polyester enables her to
reduce the weight of a piece, while she employs sculpting methods for which
she requires no assistance and is
capable of doing herself. Only this way can she address the issues which interest
her most: the absurdity of materialistic way of life in modern society, and
the commodification of Eros and Thanatos.
The artistic world of Karmen Jazbec is one of those which speak to us when
we forget present reality, delve into it, and do not linger only on a particular
piece of art - when we feel the true essence of this work, which lies beyond
the precisely carved and exquisitely
artistically shaped material. This was already indicated in the work Finiteness
of Fleetingness, a spiral which represents the time model of cyclic return
in life, opposite to Christian linearism. Questions emerge on the possibility
of being, on the unknown, a subject of stories and myths of the ancient civilisations
and cultures. The work depicting two Mesopotamian lovers (piece entitled Together)
who were executed is only one
of the many which ask how they felt when they were separated from each other
and this world, and how dumbfounded their souls were when they met again in
the great beyond, as their culture, contrary to Egyptians, did not believe
in afterlife and reincarnation.
Statues from her polyester cycle Afterlife, which she has been creating for
the last ten years, mostly depict a pair of figures. Works Last Image and Man
and Woman Asleep refer to the artist’s partner and best friend, who passed
away tragically; however, upon her loss, her faith in reincarnation and reunion
fills her with strength and consolation, and gives meaning to being, as she
realises that the loss is not terminal.
The works Eternal Lovers and Traps for Souls are images of eternal return and
the artist’s faith in reincarnation.
It is not the moment of transcendence which fascinates the artist most, as
she does not focus mainly on the passage into the light, but on meeting in
afterlife. “The polyester mass, from which the sculptures are cast, does not
represent plastic bags with rotting meat of the dead, but point to the penetration
of light into the empty shell of the body. A statue, which traditionally expresses
spaciousness, changes into
a figure permeated with transparency.*1
Barbara Sterle Vurnik
*1 Igor Papež, Posmrtnost, Rast, XIII, 3-4, 2002, p. 347.
Fotografija 1: Onkraj, 1997-2002, poliester, 90 x 50 x 40
Fotografija 3: Tostran, 1997-2002, poliester, 80 x 50 x 35
Krajša predstavitev / Short biography
Rojena 4. 5. 1965 v Brežicah. Nekaj časa študirala umetnostno zgodovino in angleščino
na Filozofski fakulteti. Leta 1993 bila sprejeta na Akademijo za likovno umetnost,
smer kiparstvo. Leta 1998 diplomirala. Leta 2001 opravila magisterij iz kiparstva
pri prof. Matjažu Počivavšku.
Trenutno ima status samostojnega kulturnega delavca, občasno dela kot likovni
pedagog. Od leta 1997 ustvarja v ateljeju v okviru Metelkove mesta.
Born 4 May 1965 in Brežice. For a while she studied History
of Art and English at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In
1993 she was accepted to the study programme of sculpture
ar the Academy of Fine Arts, where she graduated in 1998.
In 2001 she obtained her master’s degree under Prof Matjaž
Počivavšek. She holds the status of independent professional
worker in the field of culture, and occasionally works as
an arts teacher. Since 1997 she has been working in a studio
in the autonomous zone of Metelkova City.
Samostojne razstave - izbor / Selected solo exhibitions
• Galerija Alkatraz, Metelkova mesto, 1997 / Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova City,
• Stara šola Komen, 2001 / Stara šola Komen (former elementary school in Komen),
• Galerija Simulaker, Novo mesto, 2002 / Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto, 2002
• Galerija Alkatraz, Metelkova mesto, 2003 / Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova City,
2003 Skupinske razstave - izbor / Selected group exhibitions
• skupinska razstava podiplomskih študentov ALU, Miklova hiša, Ribnica / Group
exhibition of postgraduate students of the Academy of Fine Arts, Miklova hiša
Gallery, Ribnica
• v letih 2001, 2003 in 2005 sem se udeležila Majskega salona / May Salon in
2001, 2003 and 2005
• udeležba na razstavi Rdeče zore, Galerija Alkatraz, Metelkova mesto, 2001 /
Red Dawns exhibition, Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova City, 2001
• udeležba na Ikonografiji metropole, 25. bienale Sao Paulo, Brazilija, 2002
/ Metropolitan Iconography, 25th Sao Paulo Biennial, Brasil, 2002
• Metelkova mesto v Sao Paulu, Bežigrajska galerija, 2002 / Metelkova City in
Sao Paulo, Bežigrad Gallery, 2002
• Evropski trienale male plastike, Murska Sobota, 2004 / European triennial of
small-scale sculpture, Murska Sobota, 2004
• Oko in duh, Magistrat Ljubljana, 2005 / Oko in duh (The Eye and the Spirit),
Ljubljana Town Hall, 2005
• udeležba na Procesu Metelkova, Galerija Alkatraz, 2005 / Proces Metelkova (The
Metelkova Trial), Alkatraz Gallery, 2005
• Prostor mesta, predstavitev likovnih ustvarjalcev Metelkove mesta, Galerija
Kresija, 2006 / Prostor mesta - predstavitev likovnih ustvarjalcev Metelkove
mesta (Spaces of the City - presentation of artists from Metelkova City), Kresija
Gallery, 2006
• udeležba na Majskem salonu,Slovenska Bistrica 2oo6 / May Salon, Slovenska Bistrica,
Nagrada / Award
• Študentska Prešernova nagrada, 1997 / Student Prešeren Award, 1997
Naslov / Address
Karmen Jazbec, Celovška 264, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Organizacija razstave in izdajatelj / Organization of the
exhibition and publisher:
Društvo likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana, zanj / Represented by: Alenka Vidrgar in
Dušan Muc
kustosinja razstave / Curator: Barbara Sterle Vurnik
postavitev razstave / Installation of the exhibition: Karmen Jazbec
besedilo / Text: Karmen Jazbec, Barbara Sterle Vurnik; lektorica / Text editing:
Mateja Juričan; prevod v angleščino / English translation: Tina Škoberne;
fotografija / Photography: Karmen Jazbec;
Katalog: priprava in tisk / DTP and printed by: Mat-Format d.o.o.; naklada /
Print run: 100 izvodov / Copies; september 2006; Ljubljana, Slovenija