EARHART Amelia 24. 7. 1898 - 2. 7. 1937
Ameriška pilotka je prva ženska, ki je samostojno z letalom preletela Atlantik. Imela je številne letalske rekorde, slavna pa je postala s samostojnim poletom leta 1932 iz Nove Funlandije na Irsko. Leta 1937 je nameravala obkrožiti Zemljo okoli ekvatorja, vendar je skrivnostno izginila na področju Nove Gvineje. Kljub številnim obsežnim reševalnim akcijam je niso našli.

Amelia Mary Earhart, was the first woman to make a solo flight over the Atlantic Ocean. She recorded many other firsts in aviation history as either pilot or copilot. Earhart's solo transatlantic flight from Newfoundland to Ireland in 1932 gained her great fame. In July 1937, as she attempted the first round-the-world flight via the equator with navigator Frederick J. Noonan, her plane mysteriously disappeared after takeoff from New Guinea. A massive search for Earhart and Noonan failed. Their fate became the subject of unending speculation. One theory is that their plane went down on the Pacific island of Nikumaroro.

                  RO - 4222                                            RS - 199

EATON Shirley 13. 1. 1937 -
Angleška filmska igralka je igrala v številnih britanskih črnobelih komedijjah od leta 1950 dalje. Rodila se je v Londonu in odraščala v predmestju Harrow Weald. Nastopala je z mnogimi najboljšimi britanskimi moškimi komičnimi zvezdami svojega obdobja, kot so Jmmy Edwards, Max Bygraves, Bob Monkhouse in Arthur Askey pa tudi z znanimi igralkami: Peggy Mount, Thora Hird, Dora Bryan in druge. Njene zgodnejše vloge so iz filmov: Trije možje v čolnu (1956), Date with Disaster, (1957), Življenje je cirkus (1958)... Leta 1958 je nastopala je tudi v prvih Carry on filmih (na znamki GB-2652). Njabolj znana pa je verjetno po vlogi Jill Masterson v filmu Goldfinger, James Bond, 1964, kjer so pobarvajo z zlato barvo in umre zaradi zadušitve.
Na znamki GB-2652 je tudi Bryan Dora.

She is an English actress who appeared in many British black and white comedies in the 1950s and onwards. She was born in London and raised in the suburb of Harrow Weald. Throughout her career, she appeared with many of the top British male comedy stars from the period including Jimmy Edwards, Max Bygraves, Bob Monkhouse and Arthur Askey. Her female co-stars included Peggy Mount, Thora Hird and Dora Bryan among others. Early roles include Three Men In A Boat (1956), Date with Disaster (1957), Life Is a Circus (1958)... She also appeared in the very first Carry On film Carry on Sergeant released in 1958 followed the adventures of a hapless group of National Servicemen as they face the culture shock of Army life (on stamp GB-2652). However, undoubtedly Eaton's most famous role was that of Jill Masterson in the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger. Her character's death, being painted head to toe in gold paint and suffering "skin suffocation", became an iconic image of the film.
On stamp
GB-2652 is also Bryan Dora.

                 GB - 2652

EBBESEN Caroline 21. 2. 1852 - 17. 7. 1936
Danska umetnica na tekstilu, čeprav kronična shizofreničarka.

Danish tapestry woman artist, cronic schizophrenic.

         DK - 849

EBNER-ESCHENBACH Marie 13. 9. 1830 - 12. 3.  1916
Avstrijska pisateljica je že v otroških letih odkrila svojo ljubezen do pisanja in se vsa posvetila tej strasti. Na Dunaju se je poskušala kot dramatičarka dokler ni pri svojih petdesetih našla literarni stil, ki ji je prinesel uspeh. Takrat je napisala svoja najboljša dela: Vaške in grajske zgodbe, mnoge druge zgodbe in končno leta 1883 njeno najboljše delo, Krambambuli, zgodbo o psu in njegovi zvestobi po gospodarjevi smrti. Novela je bila osnova za več filmov. Marie je bila prva ženska, ki jo je cesar Franc Jožef odlikoval z medaljo za umetnost in znanost.

She discovered her love for creative writing at an early age, and devoted herself entirely to this passion. In Vienna she tried her hand as a playwright, and not until the age of fifty did she find a literary style which was to earn her great success, when she wrote her best works: Dorf-und Schlossgeschichten (Tales of Village and Manor), many other stories and finally, in 1883, her celebrated, often-filmed novella Krambambuli, the story of a dog and his unending loyalty beyond his master's death. In 1899, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach was the first woman ever to be awarded the medal for art and science by Emperor Francis Joseph.

              A - 1203
                      A - 2020                D - 1057                      A - 3253
EINARSDOTTIR Ingibjorg 1804 - 1979
Žena Jona Sigurdssona, predsednika Islandskega zakonodajnega zbora.

Wife of Jon Sigurdsson, the president of Icelandic Legislature.

IS - 545

EINSTEIN-MARIĆ Milena 19. 12. 1875 - 4. 8. 1948
Srbska matematičarka je ena prvih žensk, ki je študirala matematiko in fiziko v Evropi. Na Politehniški univerzi v Zürichu je študirala skupaj z Albertom Einštajnom, s katerim se je kasneje poročila. Obiskovala je srednjo šolo za dekleta v Novem Sadu in v Sremski Mitrovici. S posebnim dovoljenjem se je smela vpisati na moško Kraljevo klasično gimnazijo v Zagrebu. En semester je študirala medicino na Univerzi v Zürichu. Potem pa se je prepisala na Politehniško univerzoi v Zürichu kot edina ženska. Z Einsteinom se je poročila leta 1903, leta 1919 pa že ločila.

She was one of the first women to study mathematics and physics in Europe. She was Albert Einstein's fellow student at the Zurich Polytechnic, and later became his first wife. She attended high school for girls in Novi Sad and in Sremska Mitrovica. In 1891 her father obtained special permission to enroll Marić as a private student at the all male Royal Classical High School in Zagreb. Her grades in mathematics and physics were the highest awarded. She studyed medicine at the University of Zurich for one semester.In the autumn of 1896, Marić switched to the Zurich Polytechnic.She was the only woman in her group of six students, and only the fifth woman to study mathematics and physics at the Polytechnic. She and Einstein became close friends quite soon. They married in 1903 and divorced in 1919.

     Srpska krajina - 60                        YU - 3284                                    RS - 549                           

EISENBLATTER Charlotte 7. 8. 1903 - 25. 8. 1944
Nemška komunistka članica odporniške skupine Roberta Uhringa proti nacizmu. Ujeli so jo, zaprli v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbrück, kjer je bila obsojena na smrt.

German Resistance fighter - communist. When HItler came to power in 1933, she joined the resistance group of Robert Uhring. She was arestted by Nazis in taken to Ravensbruck concentration camp, where she was sentenced to death.

         GDR - 717

EISENSCHNEIDER Elvira 22. 4. 1924 - 6. 4. 1944
Nemška komunistka je leta 1935 pobegnila v ZSSR. V Moskvi je študirala na Inštitutu za književnost in na tehnični fakulteti. Leta 1942 se je kot prostovoljka priključila Rdeči armadi. Leta 1943 je s padalom skočila za frontno linijo, da bi povezala s partizanskimi enotami. Vendar jo je ujel gestapo in pomladi leta 1944 ubil.

She was German communist, in 1935 she escaped in USSR. In Moscow she studied at the Institute of Literature Sciences and at tehnical University. In 1942 she applied voluntary for the service in Red Army. In spring of 1943 she jumped with parachute behind the front line. She tried to get contant with partisans units. But she was arrested by the Gestapo (German Secret State Police) and probably executeed in spring 1944.

         GDR - 810

EKBERG Anita 29. 9. 1931 - 11. 1. 2015
Švedska igralka in kultni seks simbol. V najstniških letih je delala kot manekenka in leta 1950 Miss Švedske. POtem je odšla v ZDA na tekmovanje za Miss univerzum. Sicer ni zmagal, je pa za nagrado dobila pogodbo z Universal Studios.  Tu se je učila igranja, nostopanja, plesa, jahanja in mečevanja. Po delu kot manekenka je sredi 50.tih let vstopila v svet filma. Z Dean Martiom in Jerry Lewisom je igrala v komedijah Umetniki in modeli (1955)  in Hollywood or Bust (1955). Leta 1956 je odšla v Rim kjer je igrala v Fellinjevem Vojna in mir. Svojo največjo vlogo pa je odigrala v Fellinijevem La Dolce Vita (1960), kjer je igrala "sanjsko žensko" z Marcellom Mastroiannijem. Film je dosegel senzacionalen uspeh, njen prizor v vodnjaku Trevi ostaja eden najbolj poznanih podob v zgodovini filma.
Na znamki SM-1392 je plakat filma La Dolce Vita.

She is a Swedish model, actress and cult sex symbol. In her teens, she worked as a fashion model. In 1950, Ekberg entered the Miss Malmö competition at her mother's urging, leading to the Miss Sweden contest, which she won. She consequently went to the United States to compete for the Miss Universe title, despite not speaking English. Although she did not win Miss Universe, as one of six finalists she did earn a starlet's contract with Universal Studios, as was the rule at the time. As a starlet at Universal, Ekberg received lessons in drama, elocution, dancing, horse-riding and fencing. By the mid-50s, other studios offered Ekberg work. Paramount Pictures and Frank Tashlin cast her in Hollywood or Bust (1956) and Artists and Models (1955) both starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Both films used her as a foil for many of the director's sight gags. Ekberg also played an Amazonian extraterrestrial in 1953's Abbott and Costello Go to Mars. In 1956, Ekberg went to Rome to make War and Peace. Federico Fellini gave Ekberg her greatest role in La Dolce Vita (1960), in which she played the unattainable "dream woman" opposite Marcello Mastroianni. La Dolce Vita was a sensational success, and Anita Ekberg's uninhibited cavorting in Rome's Trevi Fountain remains one of the most celebrated images in film history.
On stamp
SM-1392 is poster of film La Dolce Vita.


            SM - 1392

EKSTROM Asa 1983 -
Švedska ilustratorka in risarka stripov.

A Swedish comic artist and illustrator.
S - 2665
ELLINAKI Georgia 28.4.1974 -
Grška vatepolistka članica grške waterpolo ekipe, ki je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila srebrno medaljo.

She won silver medal OG 2004 Athene: greek water polo team.

 GR -2255

ELIAŠOVA Barbora Marketa 1874 - 27. 4. 1957
Prva česka svetovna popotnica se je na privatni v Pragi učila angleško in nemško. Julija 1912 si je enoletne pošitnice in z vlakom odpotovala do Vladivostoka od tam pa na Japonsko. Poučevala je jezike in se sama naučila japonščine.  Tako se je lahko podrobno seznanila z zgodovino in vsakdanjostjo Japonske. Kot prvi evropejec se je učila ikebano. Leta 1915 se je vrnila na Češko in izdala knjiog Leto življenja med Japonci in po svetu. Leta 1920 se je vrnil na Japonsko kot uslužbenica češkoslovaškega veleposlaništva v Tokiu. Na ženski univerzi Waseda je predavala o Češki. Pisala je tudi članke za japonske in češke časopise. Leta 1923 je doživela uničujoč potres v Yokohami. Doma je predavala in napisala več knjig o svojih potovanjih v Hong Kongu, Singapurju, Cejlonu, Kitajski, Koreji, Sovjetski zvezi, Javi, Avstraliji in Afriki.

She was the first Czech female traveller who went around the world. An orphan since her four years of age, she was brought up at the community cost in her native Jiříkovice village near Brno. The local teacher Jan Hudeček who paid a great attention to the talented Eliášová had an essential effect on her life. From the age of fourteen she worked as a charwoman. As a graduate from a private language school in Prague she taught mainly English and German at girls' schools. In July 1912 she took a year's holiday, went to Vladivostok by train from where she voyaged to Japan. She first lived in the family of the English university teacher Lawrence, later in a hotel at the outskirts of Tokyo occupied solely by the Japanese. She again worked as a language teacher. Soon she learned Japanese and made many friends among her students and colleagues. This gave her the opportunity to learn in detail about everyday life and the famous history of Japan. Eliášová was the first European student of an ikebana course - the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement. In 1915, after her return back to Bohemia via the United States, she published the book A Year of Life Among the Japanese and Around the Globe" to meet the great interest in her experiences. In 1920 she returned to Japan as an officer of the Czechoslovak Embassy in Tokyo. A fellow of the Woman University and the Waseda University, she made a series of lectures on Czechoslovakia and wrote articles for Czech and Japanese periodicals. Eliášová stayed in Japan for several times more; in 1923 she lived through the deadly Yokohama earthquake. Back at home she gave radio and public lectures on her stories and experiences from her travels through Hong-Kong, Singapore, Ceylon, China, Korea, the Soviet Union, Java, Australia, Africa. The author of several books, she spent her last years in Roztoky u Prahy and Prague.

                      CZ - 612
> ELIOT George 22. 11. 1819 - 22. 12. 1880
George Eliot  s pravim imenom Mary Ann Evans, spada med najboljše angleške pisatelje 19. stoletja. V svojih delih z globokim občutkom in natančno opisuje preprosto življenje. Bila je mednarodno priznana, njeno delo je močno vplivalo na razvoj francoskega naturalizma. Bila je dobro izobražena. Pisala je kritike, članke v časopise, prevajala je iz nemščine. Njena najbolj znana dela so: Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), in Silas Marner (1861).

George Eliot  pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, English novelist, whose books, with their profound feeling and accurate portrayals of simple lives, give her a place in the first rank of 19th-century English writers. Her fame was international, and her work greatly influenced the development of French naturalism. She was well educated. She wrote reviews, articles for periodicals, she translated from the German. Among Eliot's best-known works are Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), and Silas Marner (1861). These novels deal with the Warwickshire countryside and are based, to a great extent, on her own life.

                  GB -
ELISABETH mati - Elisabeth mother 19. 1. 1890 - 30. 3. 1945
Članica francoskega odporniškega gibanja s pravim imenom Elise Rivet je leta 1933 stopila v red samostanskih medicinskih sester Notre Dame de Compassion v Lyonu in prevzela redovniško ime Mère Marie Élisabeth de l'Eucharistie. Kot mati prednica je v samostanu skrivala begunce, kasneje pa tudi orožje in strelivo za odporniško gibanje. 24.3.1944 so jo Nemci ujeli in poslali v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravesbruck. Tam je umrla v plinski celici.

The daughter (Elise Rivet) of a French naval officer, she joined the convent of the medical sisters of "Notre Dame de Compassion" in Lyon. In 1933 she became "Mère Marie Élisabeth de l'Eucharistie", the convent's Mother Superior. After the fall of the French Third Republic to Nazi Germany in World War II, she began hiding refugees from the Gestapo and eventually used her convent to store weapons and ammunition for the Mouvements Unis de Résistance (MUR). On March 24, 1944 she and her assistant were arrested by the Gestapo and taken to the prison at Fort Montluc in Lyon. From there she was taken to Romainville before being shipped to Ravensbrück concentration camp. There, stripped of her religious garments, she was forced into hard labor. With the end of the War in sight, the Germans began a massive amount of killings by gas chamber, including Mother Élise, on March 30, 1945, only weeks before the war ended.

          F - 1345

ELIZABETA TURINŠKA sv. - Elisabeth of Hungary st. 7. 7. 1207 - 19. 11.  1231
Elizabeta se je rodila madžarskemu kralju Andreju II. (verjetno na Madžarskem) in materi Gertrudi, ki je imela obsežno zemljiško posest na naših tleh s sedežem v Kamniku. Že štiriletno so jo zaročili in jo poslali na dvor v Turingijo. Ko je bila stara štirinajst let, so priredili razkošno svatbo z Ludvikom IV. Zakon je bil kratek (6 let) in nadvse srečen. Elizabeta je rodila tri otroke. Elizabeta je vso svojo pozornost in ljubezen posvečala družini in najrevnejšim v družbi. Skrbela je za pomoči potrebne. Po  smrti moža je odšla v Marburg, kjer  je ustanovila bolnišnico. Tam je negovala bolnike, ki jih niso hoteli sprejeti nikjer drugje. Leta 1228 je oddala svoje otroke, vstopila kot tretjerednica v Frančiškov red. Dokončno se je odpovedala svetu, s svojim življenjem je hotela pomagati, da bi se uboštvo uveljavilo kot najvišja krepost. Leta 1235 so jo razglasili za svetnico.

She spent most of her short life in Germany. She was born in Hungary. At age 4, the daughter of King Andrev II of Hungary and Gertrude was brought to the court of the rulers of Thuringia in Central Germany, to become a future bride in order to reinforce political alliances between the families. She was married at the age of 14, widowed at 20, relinquished her wealth to the poor, built hospitals, and became a symbol of Christian charity in Germany. She was canonized by Pope Gregory IX in 1235.

                             H- 5183-5184                                   H- 754                   D - 2628

            D - 1114                 D - 348               VA - 1600                            H - 4364

       Berlin - 200          D - 117

ELIZAROVA ULJANOVA Ana 26. 8. 1864 - 19. 10. 1935
Leninova sestra.

Lenin`s sister.

SU - 2979

ELLEGAARD Inge 6. 2. 1953 - 25. 8. 2010
Danska slikarka: Dve vrtnici.

Danish painter: Two roses.


                          DK - 1607

ELSSLER Fanny 23. 6. 1810 - 27. 11. 1884
Znamenita dunajska balerina Fanny Elssler je začela plesati že kot otrok. Študirala je francoski in italijanski balet. Plesala je po vsej Evropi in požela ogromen uspeh, posebno s predstavami ljudskega plesa. Naslednji njen korak v karieri je bila dveletna turneja v ZDA (1840-42), postala je svetovno znana. Ko se je vrnila v Evropo, je nadaljevala z nastopanjem po odrih cele Evrope. Fannyina umetnost obsega klasični balet in ljudski ples. Obe zvrsti je plesala s čudovito mimiko in polno temperamenta.

The famous Viennese ballerina Fanny Elßler began.to dance with her sisters when she was child. After she studied French and Italian ballet. She danced  in all Europe. She had sensational successes, in particular, performing folk dances in a refined and artful form. The next step in her career was a two-year tour of the United States that made her famous world-wide. When she returned to Europe, she continued to entertain the audiences in all the cities of the Old World for many years. Fanny's art comprised of classical ballet and folk dance. She performed both genres with inspired mimic art and full of temperament.

            A -
EMINOVICI Raluca 1816 - 15. 8. 1876
Romunska pesnica

Romunian poet.

           MD - 345

ENGBERGS Lotta 5. 3. 1963 -
Švedska pop pevka in članica ansambla, ki igra za plese s pravim imenom Anna Charlotte Pedersen. Nastopa tudi na TV kjer je pod svojim dekliškim imenom Lotta Pedersen leta 1980 debirala na švedski televiziji kot članica zbora "Trioala". Kasneje je postala stalna članica televizijskega zbora.

Lotta Engberg is a Swedish dance band music and pop singer, (born Anna Charlotte Pedersen). She has also been a TV show host. Under her maiden name Lotta Pedersen, she made debut in the Sveriges Television programme "Nygammalt" in 1980 as a 17 year old girl, and member of the "Trioala" a capella choir. Later, she received a permanent platce in the TV programme's choir.

S - 2145

ENNIS Jessica 28. 1. 1986 -
Britanska atletinja peterobojka je članica atletskega kluba City of Sheffield Athletic Club. Na OI 2012 v Londonu je osvojila zlato medaljo v peteroboju. Je nekdanja evropska in svetovna prvakinja v peteroboju,.č Ima tudi britanski rekord v peteroboju, v dvoranskem peteroboju, v skoku v višino in v teku na 100 metrov z ovirami.

She is an English and British track and field athlete specialising in multi-eventing disciplines and 100 metres hurdles. A member of the City of Sheffield Athletic Club, she won gold medal in heptathlon on Olympic games in London 2012. champion. She is also the former European and world heptathlon champion and the former world indoor pentathlon champion. She is the current British national record holder for the heptathlon, the indoor pentathlon, the high jump and the 100 metres hurdles.

                                          GB - 3305

ENSE Rahel Varhagen von 19. 5. 1771 - 7. 3. 1833
Nemška pisateljica s pravim imenom Rahel Levin se je rodila v premožni judovski družini. V Berlinu je prirejala literarne večere, ki so jih obiskovali številni nemški literarni romantiki. Po izgubi premoženja je prestopila v krščansko vero in se poročila s pruskim diplomatom. Zopet je vodila literarni salon, ki so ga obiskovali  H. Heine, Alexander von Humboldt,  Bettina von Arnim, L.von Ranke, A. von Chamisso, H. Laube, in F. de la Motte Fouqué. Rahel je osrednja figura v romanu Prinz Louis Ferdinand (1849), ki ga je napisala Fanny Lewald.

Originally Rahel Levin, was the sister of Ludwig Robert and came of a well-to-do Jewish family. At the beginning of the century she was a prominent literary hostess in Berlin, whose soirées were attended by many of the Romantics. The loss of her fortune in 1806 ended this way of life for a time. In 1808 she met K. A. Varnhagen von Ense, whom she married in 1814 after being baptized. Varnhagen was a professional Prussian diplomat until his resignation in 1819, and the first years of the marriage were spent mainly in Karls-ruhe. After 1819 the Varnhagens entertained in Berlin, and Rahel's salon was again the most notable social focus of Berlin literary life, frequented by H. Heine, Alexander von Humboldt, Bettina von Arnim, L. von Ranke, A. von Chamisso, H. Laube, and F. de la Motte Fouqué. Rahel is a central figure in Prinz Louis Ferdinand (1849), a novel by Fanny Lewald. Varnhagen published writings by her in Rahel. Ein Buch des Andenkens für ihre Freunde (1834, reprinted 1971). Correspondence, ed. F. Kemp, appeared in 4 vols. 1966-8 (rev. 1979), and Gesammelte Werke (10 vols.), ed. K. Feilchenfeldt, U. Schweikert, and R. E. Steiner, were published in 1983.

          D - 1755

ERDODY Sidonija Rubido 7. 2. 1819 - 17. 2. 1884
Hrvaška operna pevka je najbolj znana ženska ilirskega gibanja.  Na pobudo Ljudevita Gaja je štirinajst let stara prvič nastopila v javnosti v Zagrebu marca 1833. Redno je nastopala na humanitarnih koncertih kjer je poleg standardnega nemškega in italijanskega operanega repertoarja spodbujala tudi hrvaško glasbo. Leta 1846 je pela glavno žensko vlogo Ljubica v prvi opere v hrvaškem jeziku Ljubezen in zloba, ki jo je napisal Vatroslav Lisinski.

Sidonija Erdödy, married Rubido an opera singer, is the most famous woman of the Illyrian Movement. At the incentive of Ljudevit Gaj, the fourteen year old Sidonija performed for the first time in public in Zagreb in March 1833. She regularly held concerts (always humanitarian) at which - along with German and Italian standard Opera repertoire, she constantly promoted also Croatian music. She sang in 1846 the main female role, Ljubica in the first opera in Croatian language Love and Malice, written at that time by Vatroslav Lisinski.

             HR - 1222
ERIKSSON Anna 22. 4. 1977 -
Finska pop in rock pevka je prodala je že več ko 440.000 plošč. Trenutno je četrta najbolje prodajana ženska solistka na finskem.

She is a Finnish pop and rock singer. She is signed to Universal Music Finland. With combined certified sales of over 440,000 records, Eriksson is currently the 31st-best-selling music artist, 17th-best-selling soloist and fourth-best-selling female soloist of all time in Finland.

                FI - 2205

ERXLEBEN Dorothea 13. 11. 1715 -  13. 6. 1762
Prva zdravnica v Nemčiji. Najprej jo je poučeval kar njen oče. Leta 1742 je izdala članek kjer je zahtevala, da je ženskam potrebno omogočiti šolanje na univerzah. Z dovoljenjem Frederika Velikega je študirala medicino na Univerzi v Halleju in leta 1754 diplomirala.

She was the first female medical doctor in Germany. Erxleben was instructed in medicine by her father from an early age. The Italian scientist Laura Bassi's university professorship inspired Erxleben to fight for her right to practise medicine. In 1742 she published a tract arguing that women should be allowed to attend university. After being admitted to study by a dispensation of Frederick the Great, Erxleben received her dostor of medicine from the University of Halle in 1754. She went on to analyse the obstacles preventing women from studying, among them housekeeping and children.

 D - 1332         Berlin - 824

ESPANCA Florbela 8. 12. 1894 - 8. 12. 1930
Kot prva ženska na Lizbonski univerzi je leta 1917 diplomirala na študiju literature. Prvo delo Livro de Magoas je izdala 1919. Takrat je že kazala prve resne znake duševne bolezni. Leta 1923 je izšlo njeno drugo delo: Livro de Soror Saudade. Smrt njenega brata v letalski nesreči je močno vplivalo nanjo in na njeno delo As Máscaras do Destino.

After graduating with a literature degree in 1917, she became the first woman to enroll at the law school of the University of Lisbon. In 1919 her first work  Livro de Magoas (The Book of Sorrows) was published. Around this time, Florbela began to show the first serious symptoms of mental illness. In 1923 she published Livro de Soror Saudade (Book of Sister Saudade). Her brother Apeles Espanca was killed in an airplane accident, which deeply affected her and inspired the writing of As Máscaras do Destino (The Masks of Destiny). Florbela commit suicide.

                 P - 2003                             P - 3910

ESPELID Ingrid Hovid 3. 6. 1924 - 3. 8. 2018
Norveška avtorica kuharskih knjig in TV voditeljica. Med leti 1970 in 1996 je vodila televizijsko kuharsko oddajo Fjernsynskjøkkenet. Njeno kuharsko knjigo Den rutete kokeboken smatrajo za za naradno norveško kuharsko knjigo. 

She is a Norwegian television chef and author of cook books. Through appearances on her cooking show Fjernsynskjøkkenet over 26 years, between 1970 and 1996, she came to be considered the "culinary mother" of Norway. The cookbook Den rutete kokeboken, of which she is the editor, is considered a national cook book.


            N - 1729

ESPINA Concha  15. 4. 1877 - 19. 5. 1955
Španska pisateljica je v mladosti pisala pesmi. Je prva ženska dobitnica španske književne nagrade Fastenrath. Njena dela: Mariflor, Altar Mayor, The Woman and the Sea.

Spanish novelist. When she was young she wrote poetry. She is first woman to win Fastenrath literary award from Spanish Academy. Her works: Mariflor, Altar Mayor, The Woman and the Sea.

           E - 1883

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