
Lojze Logar's intoxicating "GARDEN OF DAVID"

Marjan Trsar

The primary issue of Logar’s language is evident in transcendence, the raising of the formal and chromatic decorative values to the level of a newly felt expressively.His “hard-edge” outlines, inspired by organic/vegetal, figural,anthropomorphic and zoomorphic forms, and framed by geometric forms, would remain, with their optimal volutes, a well thought-out contrast of formal and chromatic variation, and primarily an exemplary, aesthetically refined pattern which pleases our sense of harmony and rhythm.Perhaps a kind of exotic fabric with intonations of oriental, or rather pre-Columbian American aboriginal cultures.The artist manages, howewer, to suffuse this magnificent fabric with the power of radiance, so that every single particle expresses a visual, artistic verbally spellbinding the viewer in a very unique way.The tension of spiral shapes; the density that they deploy; the counterpoint of formally and chromatically expressive features in a resonantly harmonious variation, matching and confrontation; the release of radiation of these mostly extremely large canvases.The effort of “mantaining tension” troughout the almost three-meter-long canvases is an achievement that brings a new, different quality and grandiosity.These works be admired and appreciated by those who understand the feeling of precisely such “transition from quantity to a new quality”, which is so succesfully utilized by modern painting.

Exhibitions at home and abroad:

Ljubljana, Kiel, Portoguaro, Beograd, Paris, Lima, Malines, Udine, Castelnuovo nei Monti, Biella, Bonn, Milano, Zagreb, Alexandria, London, Rome, Eisenstadt, Graz, Szombathely, Florence, Klagenfurt, Cleveland, San Benedetto, Berlin, Berlin, Greenwich, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Baden-Baden, Bruxeles, Kobenhaven, Vancouver, NY, Bradford, Varna, Reykjavik, Basel, LA, Frechen, Liege, Krakow, Tbilisi, Bogota, Cali, Minsk, Moskva, Sokaide, Munchen, Kawasaki, Wien, Seul, Malmo, Goteborg, Stockholm, Oderzo, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Pordenone, Tai-pei, Singapur, Maastricht, Gyor, ..... ect.


Klagenfurt-Intart award, San Benedetto-Silver medal, Baden-Baden-Evropean Graphic Biennial, Ljubljana-International Graphic Biennial, Bradford-International Graphic Biennial, Reykjavik-Grafica Atlantica, Taipei-Award for the Quality, Maastricht-Third Prize-International Graphic Biennial, Gyor-Grand Prix- International Fraphic Biennial, ....ect.

To Lojze Logar's works - To Zdenko Huzjan's works

This exhibition is provided by Janez Stefanec's Netgallery.