The primary issue of Logar’s language is evident in transcendence, the raising of the formal and chromatic decorative values to the level of a newly felt expressively.His “hard-edge” outlines, inspired by organic/vegetal, figural,anthropomorphic and zoomorphic forms, and framed by geometric forms, would remain, with their optimal volutes, a well thought-out contrast of formal and chromatic variation, and primarily an exemplary, aesthetically refined pattern which pleases our sense of harmony and rhythm.Perhaps a kind of exotic fabric with intonations of oriental, or rather pre-Columbian American aboriginal cultures.The artist manages, howewer, to suffuse this magnificent fabric with the power of radiance, so that every single particle expresses a visual, artistic verbally spellbinding the viewer in a very unique way.The tension of spiral shapes; the density that they deploy; the counterpoint of formally and chromatically expressive features in a resonantly harmonious variation, matching and confrontation; the release of radiation of these mostly extremely large canvases.The effort of “mantaining tension” troughout the almost three-meter-long canvases is an achievement that brings a new, different quality and grandiosity.These works be admired and appreciated by those who understand the feeling of precisely such “transition from quantity to a new quality”, which is so succesfully utilized by modern painting.
Exhibitions at home and abroad:
Ljubljana, Kiel, Portoguaro, Beograd, Paris, Lima, Malines, Udine, Castelnuovo nei Monti, Biella, Bonn, Milano, Zagreb, Alexandria, London, Rome, Eisenstadt, Graz, Szombathely, Florence, Klagenfurt, Cleveland, San Benedetto, Berlin, Berlin, Greenwich, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Baden-Baden, Bruxeles, Kobenhaven, Vancouver, NY, Bradford, Varna, Reykjavik, Basel, LA, Frechen, Liege, Krakow, Tbilisi, Bogota, Cali, Minsk, Moskva, Sokaide, Munchen, Kawasaki, Wien, Seul, Malmo, Goteborg, Stockholm, Oderzo, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Pordenone, Tai-pei, Singapur, Maastricht, Gyor, ..... ect.
Klagenfurt-Intart award, San Benedetto-Silver medal, Baden-Baden-Evropean Graphic Biennial, Ljubljana-International Graphic Biennial, Bradford-International Graphic Biennial, Reykjavik-Grafica Atlantica, Taipei-Award for the Quality, Maastricht-Third Prize-International Graphic Biennial, Gyor-Grand Prix- International Fraphic Biennial, ....ect.
To Lojze Logar's works - To Zdenko Huzjan's works
This exhibition is provided by Janez Stefanec's Netgallery.