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    The purpose of Inverse is to have a programme suitable for solving a wide range of optimization and inverse problems in different environments. The programme should have a flexible structure and user interface so that it could be utilised for solving a great variety of problems. It should be easily connected with different simulation programmes and other external programmes specialised for solving individual subproblems. It should provide a basic scheme for definition of optimization problems and specification of the solution strategy. In this framework there should be a growing set of algorithms and tools, which could be employed in problem solution.
      Inverse is a programming shell designed for solving optimization and inverse problems in connection with an analysis programme. The analysis programme must be capable of simulating the behaviour of structures or parts under operating conditions, the course of processes or experiments, etc., which are to be optimized. The shell and the analysis programme together form an optimization system such as shown in Figure 1. The FSQP algorithm is used as the shell's basic optimization engine.

    Main interaction points between user and the system are shell's command file and output file. User defines the problem and its solution procedure by writing the command file which is interpreted by shell's file interpreter. When the problem is being solved, the shell prints reports about its actions to its output file.
(click on image to enlarge it!)

Figure 1: Scheme of the optimization system which consists of the shell and a simulation programme. It is assumed that a finite element method (FEM) based programme is used for simulation. Basic interactions between user and the system and between the parts of the system are shown.

    User of the system typically defines a skeleton of the direct problems that are successively solved during the optimization process by the simulation programme. The optimization problem and the solution strategy are defined through the shell's command file. To ensure high flexibility at defining various problems, the command file syntax resembles a high level programming language. All necessary supporting utilities like optimization algorithms, function definition facilities, mathematical tools (function approximation, matrix operations, etc.) and interfacing with the direct simulation, are provided through the pre-defined shell interpreter functions.

    During the optimization procedure, simulations are successively run at different values of parameters (design parameters in the case of optimization or model parameters in the case of inverse problems) to evaluate values and derivatives of the objective functions and constraints and eventually some other necessary data. The exact way how an individual analysis is performed is also defined in the command file, in an argument block of the "analysis" function. Each time the optimization algorithm (or some other supporting algorithm) requires evaluation of the objective function (or some other data bound by direct analysis), this block is interpreted. All functionality of the shell is available to the user for defining the way how the simulation is performed and how the connected data required by optimization algorithms is evaluated. Typically function of the interface between the shell and the simulation programme are used for this purpose, as well as some data manipulation and mathematical functions.

    Structure of the optimization system is shown in Figure 2. Solution procedure is controlled by the command file interpreted by shell's interpreter. Commands (or functions) in this file trigger appropriate actions associated with them. Command arguments determine exactly how these actions will be performed.

    The most important functions are those associated with built-in optimization and other algorithms. Common to these algorithms is that they require successive evaluation of objective functions and other data bound with the simulation at different values of parameters. This is always performed by a special function which is built in the shell. This function among the other triggers the interpretation of the "analysis" command argument block where user defines how the direct analysis is performed. This includes the way how input data for a simulation is set or updated according to parameter values, how the simulation is performed and how the data required by algorithms is evaluated using the simulation data.
(click on image to enlarge it!)

Figure 2: Structure of the optimization system. Invocation relations (white arrows) and data exchange between the shell and the simulation programme (blue arrow) are shown.

    Beside file interpreter's functions which perform run algorithms and interface functions there are a lot of other functions which help the user to define the problem and its solution strategy. These functions enable the shell to interact with system environment, keep results of performed algorithms and use them as input data for other algorithms, perform various operations on the data, including basic mathematical operations,  etc. All this is controlled through the interpretation of the command file written by user. Syntax of the command file enables not only sequential execution of built-in tools, but also flow control. All the data which at a given moment exists in the shell (i.e. was generated by shell's actions) can be used in loop and branching conditions or as arguments to interpreter's functions. This gives great flexibility to the system because there is unlimited exchange of the data between different functional units of the shell.

    Figure 3 is a simple presentation of the main data flows in the optimization system. Data exchange between the shell and the simulation programme can be performed through the simulation input and output files, however this arrangement can be replaced by a direct interface. In this case, the shell and the simulation programme are typically integrated in one programme and exchange date directly by accessing each other's memory (sketched by the two sided arrow in the figure). The shell incorporates a general file interface by which it can interface any simulation programme which can use text file input and output. Of course, direct interface is more convenient because it is faster and because what happens in the simulation programme can be better controlled by the shell.
(click on image to enlarge it!)

Figure 3: Data exchange between parts of the optimization system and user of the system.


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