* {*********************************************************************

File: var/matrix/movemat.cm

  This file dmonstrates how the functions for moving matrices "movematrixvar"
and "movematrix" works.

Author: Igor Gresovnik, May 1998


setfile{outfile movemat.ct}

* {
 ************************  FUNCTION "movematrixvar"  *************************
  Functions "movematrixvar" moves a vhole matrix variable to another matrix
variable. If the result matrix variable already exists, it is overwritten.
A variable with the first name (the operand) does not exist anymore after the
  Function "movematrixvar" requires two arguments - the first one is the name
of the variable which will be moved. The second arguent is the new name of
the variable.

write{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR movematrixvar  ************"\n\n}
fwrite{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR movematrixvar  ************"\n\n}

newmatrix{m1[2 2]}
setmatrix{m1[1 1] 2 2 { 11.11 11.12 11.21 11.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[1 2] 2 2 { 12.11 12.12 12.21 12.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[2 1] 2 2 { 21.11 21.12 21.21 21.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[2 2] 2 2 { 22.11 22.12 22.21 22.22 } }
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}

write{"\nMoving matrix variable m1 to a non-existing matrix variable m2:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving matrix variable m1 to a non-existing matrix variable m2:\n"}
movematrixvar{m1 m2}
write{"\nMatrix variable m1 no longer exists so we can not print it:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMatrix variable m1 no longer exists so we can not print it:\n"}
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}
write{"\nMatrix variable m2 becomes previous m1:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMatrix variable m2 becomes previous m1:\n"}
printmatrixvar{m2} fprintmatrixvar{m2}

newmatrix{m3[2 3]}
printmatrixvar{m3} fprintmatrixvar{m3}
write{"\nMoving matrix variable m2 to an existing matrix variable m3:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving matrix variable m2 to an existing matrix variable m3:\n"}
movematrixvar{m2 m3}
write{"\nMatrix variable m2 no longer exists so we can not print it:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMatrix variable m2 no longer exists so we can not print it:\n"}
*{ printmatrixvar{m2} fprintmatrixvar{m2} }
write{"\nMatrix variable m3 becomes previous m2, old variable is overwritten:\n"}
write{"\nMatrix variable m3 becomes previous m2, old variable is overwritten:\n"}
printmatrix{m3} fprintmatrix{m3}

* {
**************************  FUNCTION "movematrix"  ***************************
  Function "movematrix" moves a matrix to another matrix or a group of
matrices which are a part of the same matrix variable to another group of
matrices. If the target matrix variable doesn't exist, it is created. If the
target matrices exist before the operation, they are replaced by the moved

  For the function "movematrix" the same rules apply as for "copymatrix".
An esseintial difference between these two functions is that "copymatrix"
doesn't affect the operand variable while the "movematrix" does.

  The main difference between the "movematrixvar" and "movematrix" is that
"movematrix" can move only elements (matrices) of the matrix variables, not
matrix variables themselves. Therefore, a matrix variable always remains
defined after the "movematrix" function is performed on it, only one or more
its elements are moved away.

  The general rules for unary operations on user defined variables with a
result apply to "movematrixmatrix" as well as to copymatrix. A brief summary
of these rules:
  - These functions have require two arguments: The operand specification and
the result specification. Specifications must be given in a standard way for
specifying variables: a variable name is followed (optionally) by indeces in
a square bracket, e.g. "m1", "m1[2]", "mat[4 1]", "A[2,3]". if a specification
does not contain indeces (there is no square bracket after the name or is
empty), it referes to a whole variable. If there are less indeces as is the
rank of a variable, the specification referes to a sub-table of objects which
are iin the variable's value table. If there are as many indeces as is the
rank of a variable, the specification refers to a single element of a variable.
  - Both the operand and the result specification can refer to an individual
object of a variable (a matrix in this case), a sub-table of a variable's
value table, or a whole variable.
  - An operand variable must exist, otherwise this is an error. Indeces in the
operand specification must be in the range of the variable dimensions,
otherwise this is an error.
  - If the result variable does not exist, it is created anew with the same
dimensions of its value table as are the dimensions of the operend's value
table (or sub-table).
  -If the result variable exists, but the dimensions of its value table don't
match the dimensions of the operand's value table, it is first deleted and then
created anew with right dimensions.

write{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR movematrix  ************"\n\n}
fwrite{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR movematrix  ************"\n\n}

setmatrix{m1 2 3 { 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.21 0.22 0.23 } }
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1} 
write{"\nMoving matrix m1[] to m2[]; Matrix variable m2 is created anew.\n"}
write{"Matrix variable m1 remains defined, but it doesn't have any elements:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving matrix m1[] to m2[]; Matrix variable m2 is created anew.\n"}
fwrite{"Matrix variable m1 remains defined, but it doesn't have any elements:\n"}
movematrix{m1 m2}
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}
printmatrixvar{m2} fprintmatrixvar{m2}

newmatrix{m0 [2 2]}
printmatrixvar{m0} fprintmatrixvar{m0}
write{"\nMoving matrix m2 to m0; Matrix variable m2 is overwritten because\n"
      "  it has different dimension than the operand:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving matrix m2 to m0; Matrix variable m2 is overwritten because\n"
      "  it has different dimension than the operand:\n"}
movematrix{m2 m0}
printmatrixvar{m0} fprintmatrixvar{m0}

newmatrix{m1[2 2]}
setmatrix{m1[1 1] 2 2 { 11.11 11.12 11.21 11.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[1 2] 2 2 { 12.11 12.12 12.21 12.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[2 1] 2 2 { 21.11 21.12 21.21 21.22 } }
setmatrix{m1[2 2] 2 2 { 22.11 22.12 22.21 22.22 } }
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}
newmatrix{res[3 2]}
printmatrixvar{res} fprintmatrixvar{res}

write{"\nMoving a table of matrices m1[2] to res[3] (table dimensions match):\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving a table of matrices m1[2] to res[3] (table dimensions match):\n"}
movematrix{m1[2] res[3]}
printmatrixvar{res} fprintmatrixvar{res}
write{"\nMatrix variable m1 after the operation:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMatrix variable m1 after the operation:\n"}
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}

write{"\nMoving a table of matrices m2[] to res[] (table dimensions don't match):\n"}
fwrite{"\nMoving a table of matrices m2[] to res[] (table dimensions don't match):\n"}
movematrix{m1 res}
printmatrixvar{res} fprintmatrixvar{res}
write{"\nMatrix variable m1 after the operation:\n"}
fwrite{"\nMatrix variable m1 after the operation:\n"}
printmatrixvar{m1} fprintmatrixvar{m1}