* {*********************************************************************

File: var/matrix/calcmat.cm

  This file describes the functions of the expression evaluator which give
informatio about matrix variables or are helpful at performing operations on
matrix variables.

Author: Igor Gresovnik, May 1998


setfile{outfile calcmat.ct}

* {
***************  ACCESSING MATRIX DATA: FUNCTION "getmatrix"  *****************
  Expression evaluator's function "getmatrix" is a basic function for accessing
matrix variables. It returns a specific component of a specific matrix.
  The function requires at least 3 arguments. The first argument is matrix
name (it must be in double quotes because this is a calculator function), the
second is the row number and the third component is the column number of the
required component.
  If the second component is zero, function "getmatrix" will return the number
of rows of the matrix if the third argument is 1, or the number of columns of
the matrix if the third argument is 2. It is an error if in this case the third
argumenti is different than 1 or 2. 
  If we want to access matrix variables which hold a whole table of matrices,
the indeces which specify an element of the table must be specified after the
third argument. For example, "getmatrix["mm",4,15,3,2] returns the component
with row number 4 and column number 15 of the matrix mm[3,2].

write{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR getmatrix  ************"\n\n}
fwrite{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR getmatrix  ************"\n\n}

dimmatrix{m1[3 2]}
setmatrix{m1[1 1] 2 2 } setmatrix{m1[1 2] 2 2 }
setmatrix{m1[2 1] 2 2 } setmatrix{m1[2 2] 2 2 }
setmatrix{m1[3 1] 2 2 } setmatrix{m1[3 2] 2 2 }
setmatrixcomponents{m1 10*varindex[1]+varindex[2]+0.1*

*{ Some tests of function getmatrix: }

write{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,1,1,2,1] = " ${getmatrix["m1",1,1,2,1]} 
      " (component [1,1] of matrix m1[2,1])"\n }
write{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,2,2,1,1] = " ${getmatrix["m1",2,2,1,1]} 
      " (component [2,2] of matrix m1[1,1])"\n }
write{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,0,1,1,3] = " ${getmatrix["m1",0,1,1,3]} 
      " (number of rows of matrix m1[1,3])"\n }
write{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,0,2,2,2] = " ${getmatrix["m1",0,2,2,2]} 
      " (number of columns of matrix m1[2,2])"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,1,1,2,1] = " ${getmatrix["m1",1,1,2,1]} 
      " (component [1,1] of matrix m1[2,1])"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,2,2,1,1] = " ${getmatrix["m1",2,2,1,1]} 
      " (component [2,2] of matrix m1[1,1])"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,0,1,1,3] = " ${getmatrix["m1",0,1,1,3]} 
      " (number of rows of matrix m1[1,3])"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrix[\Qm1\Q,0,2,2,2] = " ${getmatrix["m1",0,2,2,2]} 
      " (number of columns of matrix m1[2,2])"\n }

* {
*************  ACCESSING MATRIX DATA: FUNCTION "getmatrixdim"  ***************
  Expression evaluator's function "getmatrixdim" returns a requested dimension
of the value table of a specific matrix variable. The first argument must be
the name of the matrix variable, and the second argument must be the number of
the requested dimension. If this argument is zero, the function returns a rank
of the value table, i.e. the number of dimensions. If, for example, a matrix
variable vas created as "m[4,3,5]", it has rank 3, its first dimension is 4,
its second dimension is 3 and its third dimension is 5.

write{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR getmatrixdim  ************"\n\n}
fwrite{\n"************  EXAMPLES FOR getmatrixdim  ************"\n\n}

dimmatrix{m2[4 3 5]}

*{ Some tests of function getmatrix: }

write{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,0] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",0]} 
      " (the rank of matrix variable m2)"\n }
write{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,1] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",1]} 
      " (the first dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
write{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,2] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",2]} 
      " (the second dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
write{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,3] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",3]} 
      " (the third dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
write{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,4] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",4]} 
      " (the third dimension - shuld be less than 1.)"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,0] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",0]} 
      " (the rank of matrix variable m2)"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,1] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",1]} 
      " (the first dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,2] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",2]} 
      " (the second dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,3] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",3]} 
      " (the third dimension of matrix variable m2)"\n }
fwrite{"getmatrixdim[\Qm2\Q,4] = " ${getmatrixdim["m2",4]} 
      " (the third dimension - shuld be less than 1.)"\n }