* {********************************************************************* File: intfc/elf/dat.cm This file shows how the optimisation shell can change data in Elfen's input file. Author: Igor Gresovnik, March 1998 ************************************************************************} setfile{outfile dat.ct} *{ } setfile{aninfile spike.dat} initinput{} setvector{parammom 2 { 0.123 0.321 } } setparam{} do { [ write{\n"Input parameters!"\n} write{" Parameter No. 1: "} read{k1} write{" Parameter No. 2: "} read{k2} setvector{parammom { $ k1 $ k2 } } write{"Setting parameter values in the file spike.dat to " $ k1 " and " $ k2 "." \n} setparam{} write{"Look in the file spike.dat for changes!"\n\n"} write{"Do you wish to continue (0/1)? "} read{continue} ] while (continue) }