A How-to Guide on Preparation of Bootable Media and Images (PDF)

The guide contains relevant explanations, a number of useful links offering more detailed information, software and procedures, and step by step descriptions of common tasks you will want to perform in relation to bootable media, whether you need them for troubleshooting an unresponsive computers or for testing and distribution of your customized software.

Among others, the guide answers the following questions:

This page contains links to software based on IGLib, developed by Igor Grešovnik and his coworkers.

Investigative Generic Library (IGLib). Base library for efficient development of technical and other applications.

IGShell - example shell application based on IGLib. Includes a Visual Studio / Mono project and two hosted applications:

NeurApp - approximation with artificial neural networks (for education & exploration purposes).

Software for modeling linear & nonlinear oscillators by Marko Petek.