Ininuga 2.3 is a "DOS protected mode" compiled version of this program (b<=8000) with no time limit.
WARNING !By downloading program Ininuga from this site or using it, you agree to the following: You are using the program at your own risk. The author is in no way responsible or liable for any damage or loss caused by the use of this program, included, but not limited to, reasons like malfunction of the program, your misunderstanding of its use, gambling fervency or any other reasons. Specifically, it is your responsibility to observe any third party's copyright and other intellectual property rights when using their materials as input data to Ininuga. The author of Ininuga can not be held liable for any claims, arising from violation of such rights. Program Ininuga comes with no warranties. The word "guarantee", used in the program, only has mathematical meaning and implies no legal liability. If materials, obtained or changed by this program are published, a reference to "Ininuga, by Uros Boltin" must be made.
If you agree to these terms, you may download file (230k). The ZIP file contains the Ininuga.exe program file and two supporting files DPMI16BI.OVL and RTM.EXE. These two files are provided by Borland (now Inprise) and are allowed by the company to be distributed along with the programs, developed with their tools. They need to be stored in the same directory (folder) as the Ininuga.exe file for this DOS protected mode (DPMI) program to run. Beside that, the program will only create one small private file (named "Ininugop") in the same directory as Ininuga.exe if you choose to save the option settings. Any other files (wheels) are under your control. If you have any problems running this DPMI version or any other reason to need the old DOS real mode version (with no time limit), it can be E-mailed to you.
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