
\textwidth 16 true cm

\textheight 26 true cm

\hoffset = -7 true mm

\voffset = -30 true mm



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\def"#1{\v #1}




\Blue{Kuhinja, \hfill Ljubljana,\today}



        \setcoordinatesystem units <0.4mm,0.4mm>

        \setplotarea x from 0 to 450, y from 0 to 300

        \plot 70 0 110 80 /

        \put {vrata} at 110 0

        \linethickness 0.5mm

        \putrule from 0 0 to 70 0

\setplotsymbol ({\Red{\rm $\circ$}})

        \putrule from 0 0 to 0 83

\plot 0 0 50 210 79 300 167 410 350 419 400 420 500 420 /

\circulararc 360 degrees from 407 157 center at 400 157

        \put {\Red{ voda}} [l] at 412 157

        \circulararc 360 degrees from 407 127 center at 400 127

        \put {elektrika} [l] at 412 127


