Director: Paz Einat

Judge: Menachem Witztum


35 problems by 38 composers were judged anonymously. The level was satisfactory. The theme required Black obstructions in tries or actual play.


1st Prize


2nd Prize


3rd Prize


4th Prize

Viktor Szyonenko

Lennart Werner

V. Gurov & A. Stepochkin

Tony Lewis

H#2 2 sol

H#2 b) wPe5 à e6

H#2 2 sol

H#2 4 sol

1.Qxe8 Rd6 2.Bf7 Nxf6#

1.Qxh7 Sf4 2.Rf7 Rxb4#

a) 1.Rc5 Qa2 2.Bxe5 Rxb7#

b) 1.Se8 Qg3 2.Rxf5 Sc8#

1.Qxc4+ Rxc4 2.Bg7 Rxd3#

1.Bxd6+ Bxd6 2.Qg7 Be6#

1.Ba4 Rc1 2.b5 Rxc5#

1.c4 Rd1 2.Sf1 exd4#

1.Rh6 Rf1 2. Rfh5 exf4#

1.Sf6 Rg1 2.Rg5 Rxg5#


1st HM


2nd HM


3rd HM


4th HM

Wilfried Neef

Yosi Retter

Francesco Simoni

D. Muller & H. Zajic

H#2 2 sol b) Qh1 à b4

H#2 2 sol

H#2 2 sol

H#2 2 sol

a) 1.Bf1 Qxf1 2.Qc4 Qxc4#

1. Bh8 Qxh8 2.Re5 Qxe5#

b) 1.Re1 Qxe1 2.Be5 Qxe5#

1.Qc3 Qxc3 2.Bc4 Qxc4#

1.Qxd4 Bd3 2.Rxf3 Qxg5#

1. Qxf3 Sd3 2.Bxd4 Qxe6#

1.Ne3 Bxh5 2.h6 Bg6#

1.Nh6 Rhe4 2.Be3 R4xe5#

1.Ba4 Rf5 2.Nb5 Qxd5#

1. Bh4 Rf3 2.Ng3 Qxe3#









P. le Grand, J. de Heer  & P. Bakker

E. Navon & Y. Aloni

Mircea Manolescu

Michel Caillaud

H#2 b) Ke4 <-> f4

H#2 2 sol

H#2 2 sol

H#2 2 sol

a) 1.Sf5 Bxc3 2.Be6 Re5#

b) 1.Bf7 Rxh5 2.Ne6 Be5#

1.Rg5 Sa2 2.Qf5 Bf2#

1.Ba2 Bc3 2.Qb3 Sxd3#

1.Bxa3 Sf2 2.b4 Rxe4#

1.Bb4 Sf4 2.d4+ Sxc4#

1.Bh4 Rgg1 2.Rf6 Bc4#

1.Rd6 Bb3 2.Bf6 Rg2#


Portoroz Results