4. TT Becherovka C 5. 9. 2002
This tourney was announced for all types of
fairy problems containing at least two variations or solutions with promotion
of pawns and model mates.
I received 15 entries from 13 authors and 9 countries
(Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia,
Ukraine). The overall level was very good. I decided to award following
Ladislav Salai jr. + Emil Klemanič |
Juraj Lörinc |
Juraj Lörinc |
1. Prize Becherovka TT
C 5. 9. 2002 |
2. Prize Becherovka TT
C 5. 9. 2002 |
1. H. M. Becherovka TT
C 5. 9. 2002 |
#2 |
Rose »d1, Alfil-lion ALd6, Zebra-lion
ZLd7 |
(6+10) |
H#10 |
Circe, Köko |
(3+2) |
SH#4 |
3.1... |
(2+9) |
C+ |
Camel-lion CLe7,
Nigtrider-lion NLe6 |
C+ |
maximummer 2.1... |
C+ |
0+2 Lion |
1. Prize: Ladislav Salai
jr. + Emil Klemanič (Slovakia)
Four model mates by different promotions with king
star, added is formal cycle of promoted piece and hurdle. Relatively simple
mechanism (different promotions from battery had already e. g. Y. Cheylan, but
of course without model mates), but I have to appreciate the first direct mate
in four years of Becherovka tourney!
1.Rh5 zugzwang Ka6, Ka4, Kc4, Kc6 2.g8CL, g8ZL, g8AL, g8NL#.
2. Prize: Juraj Lörinc
Absolutely different kind of problem with two echo
mates using the Circe rules. This one was harder to compose, I think, but in the
first prize are promotions really essential part of the solution.
I. 1. g1R Gxg1(Rh8) 2.Rh1 Gg7 3.Rh8 Gc7 4.Rb8 Ge7
5.Rf8 Gf7 6.Rd8 Gf8 7.Rd6 Gh5 8.Rf6 Gf5 9.Rd6 Ge5 10.Rf6 Ge4#, II. 1.g1B
Gxg1(Bf8) 2.Bh6 Gg7 3.Be3 Gh7 4.Bh6 Gf5 5.Be3 Gf1 6.Bh6 Gg5 7.Bxg5(Gg8)
Gxg5(Bf8) 8.Bh6 Gf3 9.Kh5 Gf4 10.Bxg5(Gg8) Gg4#.
1. Honorable Mention:
Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
Triple echo with a little bit mechanical manoeuvres on
the a file, but I like three different moves to b5 with immobilisation of a
1.Ra5 2.LIa3 3.Ka4 4.b5 dxe8LI#, II. 1.Ra6 2.LIa4 3.Ka5 4.LIb5 d8LI#, III.
1.Ra7 2.LIa5 3.Ka6 4.Rb5 dxc8LI#.
Eric Huber + Vlaicu Crisan |
2. H. M. Becherovka TT C 5. 9. 2002 |
H#2 |
neutral pd7 |
(1+1+2) |
C+ |
half neutral pe7 B) Rb5→h5 |
Juraj Lörinc |
1. Commend Becherovka TT C 5. 9. 2002 |
semi-R#2 |
Anticirce |
(12+4) |
C+ |
2. Honorable Mention:
Vlaicu Crisan + Eric Huber (Romania)
AUW in very economical position, but with using of
differents fairy conditions there were done already a lot of various AUW. The
good point is use of Circe in mating positions.
A 1.Kc6 d8nS+ 2.Kd7 exd8wQ (nSb8)#, B 1.Kh6
d8nR 2.nRf8+ exf8wB (nRh8)#.
1. Commend: Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
Three mates in two phases after black promotions. But
the change of defences is only formal and I would prefer more Anticirce
specific variation after Bishop promotion, although it causes some
constructional troubles.
1.Bd1? zugzwang cxd1B(Bc8) 2.a7 Bb7#, 1.-
cxd1S(Sg8) 2.Qf3 Sf6#, 1.- cxd1Q(Qd8) 2.Sxb6(Sg1) Qa8#, 1.- Ke1!, 1.Rb1 zugzwang cxb1B(Bc8) 2.a7 Bb7#,
1.- cxb1S(Sg8) 2.Qf3 Sf6#, 1.- cxb1Q(Qd8) 2.Sxb6(Sg1) Qa8#.
Portorož, 6. 9. 2002
Michal Dragoun