
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number./Izpolni in pritisni Preveri. Uporabiš lahko tudi Pomoč. Opis za številko dobiš s klikom na njo.

       3    4    5           
     6          7       8    
 12       13     14    15      16       


7. Let's unpack our suitcases and then ... the castle.
9. Jane lives in England, in the ... .
10. Everyone into the corridor.
11. Suddenly, Jane ...s a noise.
12. We can play ...s and sword-fighting.
14. Douglas takes the children to the ... where they keep the horses.
17. The room is full of shiny suits of armour and sharp ...s.


1. Jane and Sam ... Douglas brush the horses.
2. Douglas walks, but he isn't awake - he is asleep! Some people ... .
3. Some people are waiting for them. The castle is theirs and they use it as a ... .
4. In the stables the children play in the ... and have a great time.
5. There's a beautiful, big castle on a ... .
6. It must be great to live here! Yes, it's good ... .
8. Do you want me to show you the ... of the castle?
9. At the end of the ... she sees something white.
13. They all play in the hay and have a great ... .
15. The view is truly wonderful and the ... is so fresh!
16. The next week, the family ... off on their holiday.