Jovibarba globifera subsp. arenaria (L.) J. Parnell
= rocky houseleek
(syn. J. arenaria, Sempervivum arenarium)

Bistra, 575 m.

It grows on siliceous rocks in Stajerska and Koroska. It has smaller rosettes, and shorter inflorescence stalks that are rather glabrous, with more narrow leaves than rosette leaves. The species has been often overlooked since 1994, because of the great similarity to J. hirta. Slovenia is on the south borderline of these two forms of J. globifera. The distribution area of subsp. arenaria has its border in Slovenia, while the area of subsp. hirta continues eastwards into Croatia up to the Kalnik Mts.

Growing habitat


Bistra, 575 m.