
Tu in tam se skoti ali izleže bela žaba, beli lev ali morebiti celo bela vrana.
Sicer redko, a se zgodi.

Kaj pa rastlina brez klorofila. Je to sploh možno?

Prebrskajte to stran in presenečeni boste!

Sometimes a white frog, a white lion or perhaps even a white crow appears in nature. This happens rarely, but happens.

But plants without chlorophyll? Is this possible?

Browse this side and you will be surprised!

Vstop  Slovenska verzija Enter  English version

Postavljeno 17.6.2001
Zadnja dopolnitev: 06. december 2023

Besedilo in fotografije: Jure Slatner
jure.slatner @

Pomagali so člani:  Društvena stran/Society page