Electronic signature mag. Janez Toplišek

Electronic signature - Adjusting technological and legal solutions in electronic commerce (Master's degree work)
summary in English cited English and German sources
GLOSSARY of electronic signing (let us complete it together)
Bergmann, Margarethe; Streitz, Siegfried: Digitale Signaturverfahren - technische und rechtliche Fragen
Legal aspects of digital signatures, The Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE. Excellent links!
OrionSign - Electronic Signature Capture
PenOp ™, Digital Pen Technology
Signaturgesetz, Deutschland
Software Industry Issues: Digital Signatures - U.S. regulations, State Laws…
Slovenian Policy Certification Authority SI-CA - Collection of trust centers
USA: State Government Electronic and Digital Signatue Legislation. The newest situation!
The brave pioneers: Utah Digital Signature Development Program
Handwritten signature and its impact to electronic messaging (article in Slovenian, 6/1996)
Utah Digital Signature Act (translation into Slovenian)

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