Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
3. If the dish ordered isn´t ______anymore, you should send it back. 5. This handcuffs are so _____ . 6. A sheet of paper can very much be ________ . 9. Although these fruits are _______, they are still very healthy for us. 11. I´m so sad, I really need something _______ to cheer me up 12. For the next few week you need to wear this silicone _______ankle support. 14. A hammer could be used as a ________ instrument.
1. If you fall this _____steps down, you will surely break yourself something. 2. I really like lemonade, but withous some sugar it is too ______ for me. 4. When you observe a plane flying, it seems so ______, although it weighs a few thousand tons. 7. This pencil still isn´t enough _________ . 8. Gordon Ramsey never makes the mistake of making the fish too ________ 10. These weights seem so _________, I am not sure if I can lift them. 11. This sand fells so _______ . 13. Never underestimate a very ______ winter, because you might get a frostbite.