St. Daniel - ruins of very old pilgrims church
Place, where GeoCache is hidden

Site is placed close to Tolsti vrh, which is vine growing region. 20 to 30 minutes walk will finish instantly. Route start from asphalt road (location: ) and is marked with red/white circular signspots. It's Slovenia's standard route signspot, found in many routes around country.

For starting the search of GeoCache I suggest the highest point of Tolsti vrh. It's very nice place with church (st. Rok) and afford a good view around to complete Gorjanci range, Dolenjska region and almost quarter of Slovenia. One can start walking from this origin toward st. Daniel directly to the south, by the vineyards descending to asphalt road. More details are shown on the maps.

Two maps are available, 1:25000 and 1:5000
files are large (>600k and >1,3MB)
Ruins of st. Daniel
Tree is growing inside the ruined wall

Further walking:
Route from st. Daniel leads forther toward peak of Gorjanci. Walking from Tolsti vrh to Gorjanci will took about two hours.

There is additional page dedicated only GeoCache hidden in this place providing more details about GeoCaching.

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