Ikona poučevalne enote

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Preberite besedilo in se lotite spodnje naloge.

This is the family Taylor’s house. They live in a small town near London. Mr and Mrs Taylor have got three children and they also have a dog. The two boys are twins and they are twelve years old, the older girl is fourteen and the youngest is nine. Their names are Tom, Tim, Ann and May. The dog is Rex.

They have a big garden with some apple and plum trees. Mrs Taylor also grows roses and exotic plants. The two girls like helping her in the garden while the two boys prefer playing computer games.
Today is Saturday, at the moment the family are having breakfast in the kitchen. They are eating ham and eggs and drinking juice. They have the traditional English breakfast every weekend, when they all at home. After breakfast they are going to visit the grandparents in a nearby village. In the afternoon, Mr Taylor will take them all to the cinema and after that they are going to have dinner at their favourite restaurant.

In the evening the family usually sit by the fire and watch a video.

Listen! The doorbell is ringing and Mr Taylor is walking to the door. There’s the postman standing outside and smiling. He has got a large parcel in his hands. It’s probably a birthday present for Mrs Taylor, she’s thirty-five years old today.

Ko ste besedilo prebrali, preverite, kako dobro ste ga razumeli. Na vprašanja odgovorite najprej ustno, nato pa svoje odgovore vpišite v prazna okenca v naslednji nalogi.

Where is the Taylor’s house?

Are the two boys the same age?

Where do the grandparents live?

What does Mrs Taylor grow in her garden?

What are they eating at the moment?

Who is the present for?

Where will Mr Taylor take them all in the afternoon?

Where are they going to have dinner?

What do they usually do in the evening?

Where is the postman?

Ikona poučevalne enote Odgovori?


Where is the Taylor’s house? In a .

Are the two boys the same age? .

Where do the grandparents live? .

What does Mrs Taylor grow in her garden? .

What are they eating at the moment? .

Who is the present for? .

Where will Mr Taylor take them all in the afternoon? .

Where are they going to have dinner? At their .

What do they usually do in the evening? They sit / They a video.

Where is the postman? the house.