Horizontal rainbow rule

-Here is the output:

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<APPLET CODE="rainbow.class" WIDTH=650 HEIGHT=5>
<PARAM NAME="squares" VALUE="50">
<PARAM NAME="step" VALUE="10">
<PARAM NAME="speed" VALUE="20">
<PARAM NAME="color" VALUE="green">
<PARAM NAME="horizontal" VALUE="-1">

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==> Width and Height of the rule.
==> Number of squres in the rule.
==> Color step between squares.
==> Delay in miliseconds.
==> Color can be
green , red or blue .
==> VALUE can be 1 or -1 .
1 is for movement to the right and
-1 is for movement to the left.

==> If the browser does not support JAVA an ordinary horizontal line will be drawn.

Feel free to use this applet! But let me know where you use it.



-Please visit my TicTacToe Game written in JavaScript:
My TicTacToe Game!

© 1997 by Sergej Panic