Falco 13 - 14
Journal for ornithology, natural history and nature conservation ...82 pages, 4 scientific articles, a lot of reviews and reports, bird observations
Ekološko ovrednotenje in varovanje pomembnih ptic Sečoveljskih solin
Ecological evaluation and conservation of the important birds species in the Sečovlje Salina
Prilog poznavanju Jadranske ihtiofavne - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) - iglozub strašni
A contribution to the knowledge of the Adriatic ichtyofauna - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) - sloane´s viperfish
Growth parameters of round sardinella Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 larvae in the Adriatic sea estimated from otolith growth rings
rastni parametri ličink sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 v Jadranskem morju, na osnovi prirastkov v otolitih.
Gnezditev kavke Corvus monedula na Dravskem polju
Breeding of the Jackdaw Corvus monedula on the Dravsko polje
Pregled favne dvoživk in plazilcev Triglavskega narodnega parka
A survey of the Amphibian and Reptile fauna of the Triglav National Park
Kompleks rumena pastirica Motacilla flava v Sloveniji
Complex of the Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava (sub) species in Slovenia
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Ekološko ovrednotenje in varovanje pomembnih ptic Sečoveljskih solin
Ecological evaluation and conservation of the important birds species in the Sečovlje Salina

Tihomir Makovec*
Iztok Škornik**
Lovrenc Lipej***
*Ornitološko društvo IXOBRYCHUS, Gasilska 8, SI - 6000 Koper, SLOVENIJA
** MEDMARAVIS, Krožna 10, SI - 6000 Koper, SLOVENIJA
***Morska biološka postaja Piran, NIB, Fornače 41, SI - 6330 Piran, SLOVENIJA

Vprispevku obravnavajo avtorji ekologijo najbolj značilnih ptic Sečoveljskih solin. Do danes je bilo ugotovljeno 253 vrst, od tega jih v širši okolici gnezdi 91, v ožji okolici 68, 26 vrst pa gnezdi neposredno v Sečoveljskih solinah. Ekološke raziskave v sredozemskih solinah so pokazale, da so mokrišča te vrste zelo pomembna za redke in ogrožene vrste ptic. Na podlagi ugotovljenega je smiselno, da odgovorni redno obnavljajo nasipe in vzdržujejo primerno višino vode v solinskih bazenih, ki zagotavljajo osnovne možnosti za uspešno razmnoževanje ptic Sečoveljskih solin. Tudi na območju

From 1983 to 1998, more than 500 excursions were made to the area of the Sečovlje Salina. To date, 253 bird species have been recorded at the Sečovlje Salina and its surrounding, and among them at least 91 species breed there, 68 breeding species have been found in the Salina and the nearest area, 26 species breed in the Sečovlje Salina. The area is divided into two parts: abandoned part of the Salina called Fontanigge and still active salt-pans called Lera. The area of Fontanigge is increasingly becoming an important location for waterbirds, notably for the wintering and breeding species. The high abundance and the high species diversity are direct consequence of the habitat diversity in the area. Various habitat types are found in the area. According to their occurrence, the species under consideration are divided into five categories: 1. Wintering Birds, 2. Migratory Birds, 3. Summer Visitors, 4. Rare Birds and 5. Breeding Birds. Species, wintering in great numbers in the area dealed with are: Fulica atra, Anas penelope, A. Platyrhynchos. The following bird species are also important for the wintering period. These are: Podiceps cristatus, P. nigricollis, Gavia arctica, Phalacrocorax carbo, Mergus serrator, Egretta garzetta, E. alba, Ardea cinerea, Vanellus vanellus, Tringa totanus, Cygnus olor and Charadrius alexandrinus. The area in question serves as a regular stopover for Charadriiformes in particular, and of these especially for the species from genera Tringa, Calidris, Philomachus and Limosa. Species of the orders Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes also frequently occur in the area. Out of summer visitors, in the area under consideration, it is necessary to mention the Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans with more than 4000 specimens present in august. Species which are rarely observed in the Sečovlje Salina are especially the following: Tringa stagnatilis, Larus genei, Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Pluvialis apricaria and Plegadis falcinellus. From 91 breeding species in the Sečovlje Salina and its surrounding, the selected list of 26 breeding species in Salina is described separately, the breeding distribution maps and histograms show the trends for each species. The most important breeding species in the Sečovlje Salina are: Larus cachinnans, Sterna hirundo, S. albifrons, Himantopus himantopus and Charadrius alexandrinus. Because of the passive salt production in the area of Fontanigge, the management of water levels in basins, and the special nature of saline habitats make them ideal resting and refuelling site for many bird species. Ecological studies in these artificial ecosystems have shown that Mediterranean salinas are wetlands of international importance for conservation and host rare and endangered flora and fauna. Certain breeding species are important on the national level, since they breed only in the Sečovlje Salina (Himantopus himantopus & Sterna albifrons) or in another Slovenian coastal wetland at the most (Charadrius alexandrinus, Larus cachinnans, Cisticola juncidis). Breeding success of the most of the breeding species in salina depends very much on the “passive activities” necessary for salt production, maintenance of the dikes, weather conditions and disturbance by visitors walking around. The inventory of the most significant natural heritage of Slovenia suggests the Sečovlje Salina to be a natural monument. In 1989 this area was declared as a Landscape park consisting of zones under strict conservation measures of a natural reserve. Because the Sečovlje Salina is in inventory of the Ramsar sites, we suggested a new part of salina, where most of important breeding species are, to be a restricted ornithological reserve.

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Prilog poznavanju Jadranske ihtiofavne - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) - iglozub strašni
A contribution to the knowledge of the Adriatic ichtyofauna - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) - sloane´s viperfish

Jakov Dulčić

Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Šet. I. Meštrovića 63, P.O.B. 500, 21000 Split, CROATIA

U cilju što boljeg poznavanja rijetkih riba iznose se podaci o biologiji mezo- i batipelagičke vrste iglozub strašni (Chauliodus sloani Schn.) jedne od najrjeđih riba u Jadranskom moru. Glede dubine u kojoj živi, ova riba je do sada ulovljena samo nekoliko puta. Pripada porodici iglozuba (Chauliodontidae). Iglozub strašni je najveća dubokomorska jadranska riba sa svijetlećim organima (fotoforama); naraste do 30 cm u dužinu. Glava ribe se odlikuje snažnim čeljustima, oboružanim dugim iglasto-sabljastim kaniniformnim zubima po kojima je iglozub i dobio ime. Izraziti je grabežljivac, a glavna hrana su mu manji dubinski mezo- i batipelagički organizmi.

For the purpose of acquiring as good as possible the knowledge of rare fish species the author presented data from the biology of Chauliodus sloani Schn., one of the rarest fish species of the Adriatic Sea. Living in deep waters this fish has been so far caught in the Adriatic only on several occasions. This fish belongs to the family of Chauliodontidae. It is the largest of all the pelagic Adriatic fishes with fluorescent organs (photophores); it grows up to 30 cm in length. Its head is characteristic for strong jaws provided with long needle and sward like canine teeth, after which it was given its name. It is a typical predator, its main food being smaller mid- and bathypelagic organisms.

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Growth parameters of round sardinella Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 larvae in the Adriatic sea estimated from otolith growth rings
rastni parametri ličink sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 v Jadranskem morju, na osnovi prirastkov v otolitih.

Jakov Dulčić

Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Šet. I. Meštrovića 63, P.O.B. 500, 21000 Split, CROATIA

Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 was sampled in the period from 14 to 20 August 1989 at the station Stončica in the eastern middle Adriatic. Specimens were aged by means of growth increments in the sagittal otoliths. The Gompertz and Laird-Gompertz growth equations, commonly used in larval growth analysis, described the larval growth of this species in the length range sampled. The initial length of round sardinella larvae at time t = 0 was L0=4.661 mm. The obtained value of the predicted length at metamorphosis was a=25.45 mm. The average growth (0.72 mm d-1) was estimated by the slope of a line fitted by least squares regression analysis to the relation between standard length and number of increments.

Avtor obravnava rastne parametre ličink vrste Sardinella aurita, s pomočjo rasti obročkov otolitov. Vzorčevanja so potekala med 14 in 20 avgustom 1989 v Stončici. Primerki so bili starostno razvrščeni s pomočjo rastnih povprečij sagitalnih otolitov.

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Gnezditev kavke Corvus monedula na Dravskem polju
Breeding of the Jackdaw Corvus monedula on the Dravsko polje

Milan Vogrin

Hotinjska c. 108, SI - 2312 Orehova vas - SLOVENIJA

V letu 1998 je avtor na Dravskem polju v severovzhodni Sloveniji ugotavljal številčnost kavke Corvus monedula. Odkrite so bile tri kolonije, ki so skupaj štele 54 parov. Kavke so za gnezdišče najraje izbirale dimnike in visoke zgradbe. V letu 1998 ni bila odkrita nobena gnezditev v naravnih duplih, čeprav je na takšnih mestih na Dravskem polju v preteklosti kavka gnezdila. Število kavk v kulturni krajini nazaduje. Razlog za nazadovanje je predvsem pomanjkanje ustreznih gnezdišč.

During breeding season in 1998 the survey of Jackdaw Corvus monedula was undertaken on the Dravsko polje in northeastern Slovenia to obtain reliable population size and the knowledge of current distribution and nest choice. During the study three colonies were found with 54 pairs. The average breeding density on the Dravsko polje was 0.26 pairs/km2. In 1998 no nests were found in natural holes, however in the past Jackdaws bred in holes in traditional orchards. The distribution of nests occupied by Jackdaws is presented in Table1. The most important breeding sites of Jackdaws on the Dravsko polje are chimneys. Jackdaws prefer also the highest buildings. It seems that number of breeding Jackdaws in traditional cultural landscape is declining. Some previous breeding sites, e.g. in traditional orchards, on a church, have been abandoned. The loss of suitable nest sites (e.g. due to renovations of buildings and chimneys, intensive fruit-growing) is the main negative factor.

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Pregled favne dvoživk in plazilcev Triglavskega narodnega parka
A survey of the Amphibian and Reptile fauna of the Triglav National Park

Nuša Vogrin

Vransko 121, SI - 3305 Vransko - SLOVENIJA

Na območju Triglavskega narodnega parka je bilo ugotovljenih sedem vrst dvoživk in deset vrst plazilcev. Med vsemi vrstami se uvršča v kategorijo pogosta vrsta le planinski pupek, med razširjene vrste sodita dve vrsti dvoživk in šest vrst plazilcev, med redke pa tri vrste dvoživk in štiri vrste plazilcev. Glavna dejavnika, ki ogrožata vrstno in številčno pestrost dvoživk sta vnosa plenilskih vrst rib in uničevanje življenjskih prostorov. Zaraščanje odprtih površin negativno vpliva na vrstno in številčno pestrost plazilcev.

The author presents qualitative data on the herpetofauna of the Triglav National Park - TNP (north-western Slovenia), including the data on vertical distribution and frequency of the species. The data of four years´ study (from 1994 to 1997) are accomplished with the data from literature.

Seven amphibian species and ten species of reptiles were recorded (Table 1). The data on the occurrence of Elaphe l. longissima is new for the fauna of reptiles in TNP. Only Triturus a. alpestris was common, three amphibian species (Salamandra s. salamandra, Bufo b. bufo, Bombina variegata) and six species of reptiles (Lacerta v. viridis, Lacerta v. vivipara, Podarcis m. muralis, Anguis f. fragilis, Natrix n. natrix, Vipera b. berus) were rare, and three amphibian species (Salamandra a. atra, Rana t. temporaria, Triturus carnifex), and four species of reptiles (Lacerta horvathi, Coronella a. austriaca, Elaphe l. longissima, Vipera a.ammodytes) were very rare (Table 2). Vertical distribution of species found in TNP is presented in Table 3. Some of the species have lower maximum altitude in TNP than in the adjacent regions (Table 4).

Some amphibians in TNP are endangered despite of the protection by law. Main threat for amphibians in the Triglav National Park are habitat destruction and introduction of predatory fish species. The succession of open landscape, i.e. pastures, has presumably a negative influence on the diversity of reptiles.

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Kompleks rumena pastirica Motacilla flava v Sloveniji
Complex of the Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava (sub) species in Slovenia

Milan Vogrin

Hotinjska c. 108, SI - 2312 Orehova vas - SLOVENIJA

V prispevku so predstavljene (pod)vrste rumene pastirice Motacilla flava, ki se pojavljajo v Sloveniji. Ugotovljene so bile naslednje (pod)vrste: M. (f.) flava, M. (f.) cinereocapilla, M. (f.) feldegg in M. (f.) thunbergi. Na gnezdenju pa so bile odkrite M. (f.) flava, M. (f.) cinereocapilla, M. (f.) feldegg in to celo na istem območju.

The article presents the occurrence and breeding data of Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava (sub)species in Slovenia. During migration three (sub)species (i.e. M. (f.) flava, M. (f.) cinereocapilla and M. (f.) feldegg) are known to occur in Slovenia, however only two (sub)species, i.e. M. (f.) cinereocapilla and M. (f.) feldegg, have been breeding so far. The author presents data also for M. (f.) thunbergi for passage and for M. (f.) flava which was found breeding on the Dravsko polje in 1997. In this year all three (sub)species were found breeding on the same locality (intensive fields, the Dravsko polje). Migration pattern of Yellow Wagtail (sub)species during migration in northeastern Slovenia is presented on figure 1. In table 1. breeding habitat is given for each (sub)species.

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