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Po koliko presledkih (tab.) želiš prelom vrstice:
After Bell So the last step is one you can see coming: perform an EXPERIMENT that tests the above; then see if the results are closer to QM's prediction of .250 or to the Local Hidden Variables scenario (i.e. at least .333). They cannot both be right. If they are NOT in accordance with the .333 prediction, then our initial assumption above - that A, B and C exist simultaneously - must be WRONG. Please recall: a single counter-example is sufficient to disprove any theory, and this forms the basis of our conclusion. -34 9 8 -2 4 3 -1 1 2
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Nasvet: programček pride prav pri kopiranju html teksta (ki večinoma pri kopiranju nima prelomov), in ki ga želimo prelomiti za branje recimo v notepadu (za novo uporabo).
Avtor: Zorko Vičar, 2006 - okt. 2022