Evaporation Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the initial rate at which any of seven toxic chemicals evaporates from aqueous solution. You can use this evaporation rate estimate in ALOHA.

Notes: (1) For each chemical, the Chemical menu displays the name of the aqueous solution followed by the name of the evaporating solute in brackets. (2) The calculator estimates only the initial evaporation rate. For highly-concentrated solutions, the initial rate can often be substantially higher than the rate averaged over time periods of a few minutes or more. (3) The calculator can estimate evaporation rate only within particular temperature and concentration ranges that are different for each chemical. (4) To predict evaporation rate, the calculator assumes that the solution is free of impurities, is not reacting with any other substances, and is not polymerizing.


About This Chemical:

Wind Speed:
Concentration (Weight Percent): %
Ambient Temperature:
Alongwind Puddle Length:
Crosswind Puddle Width:

Adjust for high volatility (Huh?)

Initial Evaporation Rate:
Initial Partial Pressure:

Revised: January 13, 2003
Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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