IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 CIG.Script._01LPSimpleSolves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._01NondrivenPrintSolutionTestiram delovanje solverja RK4. Izvede se samo izračun brez risanja grafov.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._02DrivenPlotSolutionTestiram risanje grafov.
 CIG.Script._02LPAttenuationSolves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._05AnalytAndNumSolutionPlotNaenkrat narišem grafa analitične in numerične rešitve za iste parametre.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._06NumericalVsAnalyticalErrorDiffPrimerjam numerično rešitev z analitično.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._07RichardsonExtrapolationTestiram risanje grafov.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._08SteadyStateAmplitudePrimerjam numerično rešitev z analitično.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._09SingleResonanceCurvePlotPrimerjam numerično rešitev z analitično.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._12MultipleResCurvesPlotNarišem nekaj resonančnih krivulj linearnega oscilatorja pri različnih parametrih w0 in b.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._13SolutionAndDrivingFunctionPlotNaenkrat narišem grafa analitične in numerične rešitve za iste parametre.
 CIG.Script._25KickedRotatorPlots a state space portrait of the kicked rotator.
 CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotter.AccessorClass that is used to access the VtkPlotter's window in classes that are not derived from that class. Access can be granted by either inheriting from this class or by uding this class as proxy class
 CIG.Lib.ParsableXmlObject.AccummulatedReportClass used for accummulated error and warning reports for task composed of several steps. This is used when we want to perform the whole task even if some errors occur, and treat all errors and messages after the task is completed.
 CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedComplexMathContains methods that compute advanced functions of complex arguments.
 CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedIntegerMathContains methods that compute advanced functions of integer arguments.
 CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedMathContains methods that compute advanced functions with real arguments.
 CIG.Num.AffineTransformationImplementation of a general affine transformation where dimensions of the original and transformed space can be different.
 CIG.Num.AffineTransformationDiagonal0_TO_DELETEImplementation of a general affine transformation.
 CNUnit.Engine.Services.TestAgency.AgentDataBaseA simple class that tracks data about this agencies active and available agents
 CIG.Lib.AlignmentDefines alignment (vertical and horizontal) of some object.
 CIG.Num.AnalysisResultsExtensionsExtension methods for analysis results classes.
 CIG.Num.AnalysisTableGeneration of tables of analysis pooints.
 CIG.NumExperimental.AnalysisTableGeneration of tables of analysis pooints.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.AnovaRowA row in an ANOVA table.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.AnyMatrix< T >Describes the form of all matrices.
 CIG.Lib.ApplicationCommandlineBaseBase class for main application classes that have the main method of the application based on command line interpreter.
 CLabexUtilities.ApplicationDataProvides information about the current application such as application variant.
 CIG.Neural.ApproximationFileServerNeuralClass for approximation file server.
 CIG.Num.ApproximationMlsMoving least squares approximation.
 CIG.Num.ApproximationWlsWeighted least squares approximation.
 CIG.Num.ApproximatorWlsLinearBaseCalculates weighted least squares approximations.
 CNUnit.Framework.Assertions.ArrayEqualsFailureMessageFixtureSummary description for ArrayEqualsFailureMessageFixture.
 CNUnit.Common.AssemblyHelperAssemblyHelper provides static methods for working with assemblies.
 CNUnit.Framework.AssertThe Assert class contains a collection of static methods that implement the most common assertions used in NUnit.
 CNUnit.Framework.Assertions.AssertIgnoreTestsTests of IgnoreException and Assert.Ignore
 CNUnit.Framework.AssumeProvides static methods to express the assumptions that must be met for a test to give a meaningful result. If an assumption is not met, the test should produce an inconclusive result.
 CNUnit.Framework.Compatibility.AttributeHelperProvides a platform-independent methods for getting attributes for use by AttributeConstraint and AttributeExistsConstraint.
 CIG.Lib.AuthorHolds author's data.
 CIG.Lib.AutopsyBaseBase class for Text fields of autopsy declaration
 CNUnitLite.AutoRunThe AutoRun class is used by executable test assemblies to control their own execution.
 CIG.Lib.BoundingBoxDtoBaseDTO (data transfer object) for vector interface (IVector).
 CNUnit.Framework.Attributes.CategoryAttributeTestsSummary description for CategoryAttributeTests.
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.CecilExtensionsExtension methods that make it easier to work with Mono.Cecil.
 CIG.Physics.ChemicalCompoundChemical compoind
 CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementRepresents a sigle chemical element with its main data.
 CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementPropertiesProperties of chemical element.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.CholeskyDecompositionRepresents the Cholesky Decomposition of a symmetric, positive definite matrix.
 CIG.Web.ClientDataBaseClass used for transferring client data between services.
 CNUnit.Framework.CollectionAssertA set of Assert methods operating on one or more collections
 CNUnit.Framework.Assertions.CollectionAssertTestTest Library for the NUnit CollectionAssert class.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.CollectionTallyCollectionTally counts (tallies) the number of occurrences of each object in one or more enumerations.
 CIG.Lib.colorExtended color representation. Stores RGB components and opacity as double numbers ranging fom 0 to 1. Implicit conversions to and from System.Drawing.Color and form System.Drawing.KnownColor are provided.
 CCSharpScripter.CommandZusammenfassung f�r Command.
 CIG.Lib.CommandAdapterSingleThreadedAdapter class that wraps a single threaded command delegate and provides a multithreaded function.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CommandBuilderA utility class to create TestCommands
 CIG.Lib.CommandStackFrameStack frame for a block of command-line interpreter commands.
 CIG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBaseBase class for classes of type CommandStackFrame{InterpreterType, ThreadType}see cref=""/>. Contains everyting that does not depend on specific type of generic parameters.
 CIG.Lib.CommandThreadContains stack frames and other command thread data for a single command thread of a command-line interreter.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ComparisonAdapterComparisonAdapter class centralizes all comparisons of _values in NUnit, adapting to the use of any provided IComparer, IComparer{T} or Comparison{T}.
 CCShellCore.CodeCompletion.Images.CompletionImageProvides icons for code-completion.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.ComplexEigensystemRepresents a collection of complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 CMeta.Numerics.ComplexMathProvides simple functions of complex arguments.
 CTest.ComplexTestThis is a test class for ComplexTest and is intended to contain all ComplexTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CIG.Configer.ConfigerConsoleConfiger console application main class. Currently contains a lot of tests for basic library functionality. Configer is a tool for modification of (XML) configuration file according to an XML script.
 CIPLab.ConfigurationApplication configuration
 CNUnit.ConsoleRunner.ConsoleRunnerConsoleRunner provides the nunit3-console text-based user interface, running the tests and reporting the results.
 CIG.Crypto.ConstCryptoContains constants for cryptographic operations from shell functions.
 CIG.Sim.ConstFieldsConstants related to simulated fields.
 CIG.Num.ConstMathMathematical and physical constants.
 CIG.Num.ConstMiscMiscellaneous constants.
 CIG.Num.ConstPhysicalPhysical constants including units and standard uncertainty.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintExpressionConstraintExpression represents a compound constraint in the process of being constructed from a series of syntactic elements
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintFactoryHelper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintOperatorThe ConstraintOperator class is used internally by a ConstraintBuilder to represent an operator that modifies or combines constraints
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintResultContain the result of matching a Constraint against an actual value.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintBuilder.ConstraintStackConstraintStack is a type-safe stack for holding Constraints
 CIG.Sim.ConstSimConstants related to simulations.
 CNUnit.Framework.ContainsHelper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.ContingencyTableRepresents a contingency table.
 CIG.Forms.ControlManipulatorPerforms various operations on the specified controls:
 CIG.Forms.ControlPropertyStoreStores properties of a specified control, and restores them to on arbitrary controls
 CCOPYDATASTRUCTThe COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CountdownEventA simplified implementation of .NET 4 CountdownEvent for use in earlier versions of .NET. Only the methods used by NUnit are implemented.
 CIG.Crypto.CryptoParametersThis class contains key parameters of the cryptographic operations performed on some item
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.CultureDetectorCultureDetector is a helper class used by NUnit to determine whether a test should be run based on the current culture.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.CultureSettingAndDetectionTestsSummary description for CultureDetectionTests.
 CIG.Num.SampledDataCsv.DataColumnDefinitionUsed to define which columns in a data table correspond to which input or output elements.
 CTest.DataSetTestThis is a test class for DataSetTest and is intended to contain all DataSetTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CIG.Lib.DataStoreXML-based data class. Doc container is accessed through the Doc property, which is of class XmlData, an extension of XmlDocument.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.DeduceTypeArgsFromArgs< T1, T2 >
 CIG.Script.DemoResonanceCurvePlotTry-it-yourself script class.
 CIG.Script.DemoResonanceCurvePlotExtTry-it-yourself script class.
 CIG.Lib.DiagnosisCodeClassRepresents the diagnosis code with description.
 CIG.Lib.DiagnosisTextTepresents the free Text diagnosis.
 CIG.Num.DifferentialFirstOrderSolverBaseBase class for definition of a system of first order ordinary differential equations (initial problem).
 CIG.Num.DifferentialFirstOrderSystemBaseBase class for definition of a system of first order ordinary differential equations (initial problem).
 CNUnit.Framework.DirectoryAssertAsserts on Directories
 CNUnit.Framework.DoesHelper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.FloatingPointNumerics.DoubleLongUnionUnion of a double precision floating point variable and a long
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TestXmlTests.DummyGenericFixture< T >
 CNUnit.EnvEnv is a static class that provides some of the features of System.Environment that are not available under all runtimes
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.EqualityAdapterEqualityAdapter class handles all equality comparisons that use an IEqualityComparer, IEqualityComparer{T} or a ComparisonAdapter.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.EvaluationResultRepresents the result of a function analysis.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.EvaluationSettingsContains settings controling the evaluation of a function.
 CADOGuy.EvaluatorSummary description for Class1.
 CIG.Num.EvaluatorConstConstants used in evaluator classes. $A Igor Mar09 Aug11;
 CIG.NumExperimental.EvaluatorConstConstants used in evaluator classes. $A Igor Mar09 Aug11;
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.SimpleEventRecorder.EventMatcherA helper class for matching test events.
 CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventLatenceBase.ExampleLatenceClass containing examples for
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.ExceptionHelperExceptionHelper provides static methods for working with exceptions
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.SimpleEventRecorder.ExpectedEventsRecorderHelper class for recording expected events.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.ExtensionNodeThe ExtensionNode class represents a single extension being installed on a particular extension point. It stores information needed to activate the extension object on a just-in-time basis.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.ExtensionPointExtensionPoint represents a single point in the TestEngine that may be extended by user addins and extensions.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.ExtremumRepresents a maximum or minimum of a function of one variable.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.NUnitEqualityComparer.FailurePointFailurePoint class represents one point of failure in an equality test.
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.FakesFakes provides static methods for creating test dummies of various kinds
 CIG.Num.Field< TElement >A generic field of values of any type. Values must be allocated at once.
 CIG.Num.FieldCollection< TField, TElement >Collection of fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names
 CNUnit.Framework.FileAssertAsserts on Files
 CNUnit.Framework.Assertions.FileAssertTestsSummary description for FileAssertTests.
 CIG.Lib.FindingsConsttBaseContains various names and other constants used in findings.
 CIG.Lib.FindingsPatientPatient data for inclusion in findings.
 CIG.Lib.FindingsPhysicianPatient data for inclusion in findings.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.FitResultRepresents the result of a fit procedure.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.FloatingPointNumericsHelper routines for working with floating point numbers
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.FloatingPointNumerics.FloatIntUnionUnion of a floating point variable and an integer
 CMeta.Numerics.SignalProcessing.FourierTransformerAn engine for performing Fourier transforms on complex series.
 CIG.Num.FuncCreation of a number of standard real mathematical functions in one dimension. Conttains subclasses for specific functions ans corresponding static creator methods. Creator methods come in 3 different version: for reference form of the function (e.g. just Exp[x]), for form shifted and stretched in x direction, and general form shifted and stretched in both directions.
 CIG.Num.Func2dExamplesExample classes of type Func2dBase.
 CIG.Num.Func3dExamplesExample classes of type Func3dBase.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.FunctionMathContains methods for the analysis of functions.
 CNumLib.FunctionWithGradientBase class for implementation of various functions with gradients.
 CNUnit.Tests.GenericFixture< T >
 CNUnit.TestData.TestFixtureTests.GenericFixtureWithNoArgsProvided< T >
 CNUnit.TestData.TestFixtureTests.GenericFixtureWithNoTestFixtureAttribute< T >
 CNUnit.TestData.TestFixtureTests.GenericFixtureWithProperArgsProvided< T >
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.GenericMethodHelperGenericMethodHelper is able to deduce the Type arguments for a generic method from the actual arguments provided.
 CNUnit.Framework.Tests.Compatibility.GenericTestClass< T1, T2 >
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.GenericTestFixture_IList< T >
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.GenericTestFixture_Numeric< T >
 CIG.Num.geom3Provides static methods used in 3D
 CIG.Num.GeometryAnalytical Geometry in 3D.
 CIG.Num.Geometry3DProvides static methods of 3D analytic geometry.
 CNUnit.Framework.GlobalSettingsGlobalSettings is a place for setting default _values used by the framework in performing asserts.
 CIG.Forms.GraphBase1An implementation of the things necessary for most ZedGraphDemos.
 CIG.Gr.GraphicObjectGraphic object, a tree - like collection of graphic primitives.
 CIG.Gr.GraphicPrimitiveAbstract base class for all graphic primitives such as lines, facets, etc.
 CIG.Gr.GraphicSetBaseBase class for graphic sets that contain groups of graphic primitives.
 CIG.Plot2d.GraphItemBase lass for all items that can be put on a graph (including axes, labels, etc.).
 CIG.Gr.GrFillSettingsFill Settings.
 CIG.Gr.GrLinesettingsLine Settings.
 CIG.Gr.GrPlottingBaseBase class for plotting graphic objects.
 CIG.Gr.GrPointSettingsPoint Settings.
 CIG.Gr.GrPrimitiveSettingsSettings for graphic primitive.
 CIG.Gr.GrTextSettingsText Settings.
 CNUnit.Common.GuardClass used to guard against unexpected argument values or operations by throwing an appropriate exception.
 CNUnit.Framework.HasHelper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.HistogramA histogram.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.HistogramBinOne bin of a histogram.
 CCShell.Modules.Sink.ViewModels.PlotSinkViewModel.HistogramChartHelperHelper class that creates a histogram chart. Histogram is a data distribution chart which shows how many values, from the data series, are inside each segment interval
 CIG.Lib.HtmlConstContains a number of important constants used in Html.
 CIG.Gr3d.I3dGraphicsControlInterface for 3D graphics controls that can be manipulated via a standard set of commands for rotation etc.
 CIG.Num.IAffineTransformationAffine Transformation.
 CIG.Num.IAnalysisInterface for direct analysis classes used in optimization problems.
 CIG.Num.IAnalysisResultsSingle objective optimization analysis results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the analysis function and to store analysis output results (e.g. objective and constraint functions, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned and set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults().
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IApplyToContextThe IApplyToContext interface is implemented by attributes that want to make changes to the execution context before a test is run.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IApplyToTestThe IApplyToTest interface is implemented by self-applying attributes that modify the state of a test in some way.
 CIG.Num.IBoundingBoxBounding box, defines minimum and maximum co-ordinates of domains, geometric objects and their groups.
 CIG.Lib.ICharacterBufferReadOnlyInterface for all implementations of read-only character buffer. Classes that implement this interface are used e.g. in string parsing and output data formatters.
 CIG.Forms.IClosableFromContainedFormMarker interface indicating that a form can be closed from the contained control.
 CICollection< UncertainMeasurement< T >>
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ICombiningStrategyCombiningStrategy is the abstract base for classes that know how to combine values provided for individual test parameters to create a set of test cases.
 CIG.Lib.ICommandLineApplicationInterpreterInterface for simple command-line applicatino interpreters.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ICommandWrapperICommandWrapper is implemented by attributes and other objects able to wrap a TestCommand with another command.
 CIG.Num.IComplexInterface that must be implemented by all complex numbers. $A Igor Oct09;
 CIG.Old.IComplex_OldNumericsInterface that must be implemented by all complex numbers.
 CCShellCore.CodeCompletion.ICSharpScriptProviderThis interface allows to provide more information for scripts such as using statements, etc.
 CIG.Petek.Numerics.IDESolverVmesnik, ki zastopa družino specifičnih solverjev. Namen: Uporabljal ga bo razred SpecificDEPlotter, ki bo risal grafe
 CIPLab.IDocumentsHostIDocumentsHost interface Provides connectione between documents and the main widnow
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.IDriverFactoryInterface implemented by a Type that knows how to create a driver for a test assembly.
 CNUnit.Engine.IDriverServiceThe IDriverService interface is implemented by the driver service, which is able to provide drivers for loading and running tests using various frameworks.
 CIEnumerable< UncertainMeasurement< T >>
 CIEqualityComparer< List< int >>
 CIG.Old.IField_OldNumerics< T >A generic interface.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IFixtureBuilderThe IFixtureBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to build a TestFixture from one or more Types. In general, it is exposed by an attribute, but may be implemented in a helper class used by the attribute in some cases.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.IFrameworkDriverThe IFrameworkDriver interface is implemented by a class that is able to use an external framework to explore or run tests under the engine.
 CIG.Num.IFunc2dRepresents scalar functions of 2 variables.
 CIG.Num.IFunc3dRepresents scalar functions of 2 variables.
 CIG.Num.IFunc3d2dRepresents 3D vector functions of 2 variables.
 CIG.Gr.IGraphicSetGraphic set that contain graphic primitives and other graphic sets.
 CIG.Plot2d.IGraphItemInterface for all items that can be put on a graph (including axes, labels, etc.).
 CIG.Plot2d.IGraphPlotItemRepresents a plottable item contained in a graph. This excludes markup markups such as axes, legends, etc.
 CIG.Lib.IIdentifiableClasses whose instances have unique integer IDs.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IImplyFixtureIImplyFixture is an empty marker interface used by attributes like TestAttribute that cause the class where they are used to be treated as a TestFixture even without a TestFixtureAttribute
 CIG.Lib.IInterpreter< TCommand, TCommandData >
 CIG.Lib.ILoadableScriptInterface for classes that can be dynamically loadeded from scripts and run, which provides functionality of dynamic scripting. It is recommendable to derive all such classes from the LoadableScriptBase base class.
 CIG.Lib.ILockableLockable object, has a Lock property that returns object on which lock must be performed in order to lock the object.
 CNUnit.Common.ILoggerInterface for logging within the engine
 CNUnit.Engine.ILoggingInterface to abstract getting loggers
 CIG.Lib.ImageBuilderBaseBase class for storing image data and exporting and importing images froom files and different types of objects.
 CIG.Num.IMatrixReal matrix interface.
 CIG.Num.IMatrix< ComponentType >Generic Matrix interface.
 CIG.Old.IMatrix_OldNumerics< T >Generic Matrix interface.
 CNUnit.Samples.Money.IMoneyThe common interface for simple Monies and MoneyBags.
 CIG.Neural.INeuralApproximatorContainerClasses that contain neural approximator.
 CIG.Num.INeuralModelInterface for artificial neural network -based models that we can operate on.
 CIG.Neural.INeuralModelContainerInterface for classes that contain the NeuralModel property that implements the INeuralModel interface.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Solvers.InitialProblemODE_RK4.InitialProblemSolverBaseA template ODE solver without an actual implementation of the solving method (e.g. RK4).
 CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinitionContains data about a field that is recoginzed in the input file, such as field identification number, name, and description. This class is immutable except for Description, and it is thread safe in the scope of intended use.
 CIG.Num.InputOutputDataDefinitonDefinition of input and output data for vector functions, approximations, etc. Contains descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output, default values and eventual bounds of input parameters, etc.
 CIG.Num.InputOutputElementDefinitionBase class for input or output data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc.
 CEFA_WS.Service.InsertPaketDataClass that is used to pass data to the InsertPaketXml() method that is launched in a parallel thread. Thread is launched just because for SQLXML the thread must be STA, and thread launched by WS is not of this kind.
 CTest.IntegrateTestSummary description for IntegrateTest
 CNUnit.Common.InternalTraceInternalTrace provides facilities for tracing the execution of the NUnit framework. Tests and classes under test may make use of Console writes, System.Diagnostics.Trace or various loggers and NUnit itself traps and processes each of them. For that reason, a separate internal trace is needed
 CIG.Lib.InterpreterVariableBase class for interpreter variables.
 CMeta.Numerics.IntervalRepresents an interval on the real number line.
 CTest.IntervalTestThis is a test class for IntervalTest and is intended to contain all IntervalTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CIG.Lib.IObjectStore< T >Object store. Objects of the specified type can be stored here for later reuse (efficiency improvement).
 CIG.Num.IOptimizationDataInformation about optimization data and algorithm parameters.
 CIG.Num.IOptimizationResultsStorage of optimization results. Stores optimal results, best current guess, etc.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IParameterDataProviderThe IDataPointProvider interface is used by extensions that provide data for a single test parameter.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IParameterDataSourceThe IParameterDataSource interface is implemented by types that can provide data for a test method parameter.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.IParameterizedDistributionRepresents an parameterized likelihood distribution.
 CIG.Num.IPenaltyEvaluatorClasses that evaluates penalty terms corresponding to a specific penalty function.
 CIG.Num.IPointContainer< PointType >Basic interface for point container classes.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.IProjectInterface for the various project types that the engine can load.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.IProjectLoaderThe IProjectLoader interface is implemented by any class that knows how to load projects in a specific format.
 CNUnit.Engine.Services.IProjectServiceThe IProjectService interface is implemented by ProjectService. It knows how to load projects in a specific format and can expand TestPackages based on projects.
 CIG.Num.IRandomGeneratorUniform random number generator.
 CIG.Num.IRealFunctionInterface for real functions.
 CNUnit.Engine.IRecentFilesThe IRecentFiles interface is used to isolate the app from various implementations of recent files.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IReflectionInfoThe IReflectionInfo interface is implemented by NUnit wrapper objects that perform reflection.
 CIG.Lib.Old.IReporterInterface from which all reporters inherit.
 CIG.Lib.IReporterBaseInterface from which all reporters inherit.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.IResolveConstraintThe IResolveConstraint interface is implemented by all complete and resolvable constraints and expressions.
 CIG.Num.IResponseEvaluatorVectorSimpleInterface for simulators and other systems (used e.g. for optimization) that can calculate vector response as a function of vector input parameters.
 CNUnit.Engine.IResultServiceIResultWriterService provides result writers for a specified well-known format.
 CNUnit.Engine.Extensibility.IResultWriterCommon interface for objects that process and write out test results
 CIG.Lib.IRunnableOldClasses with Execute() method.
 CNUnit.Engine.IRuntimeFrameworkServiceImplemented by a type that provides information about the current and other available runtimes.
 CNUnit.Framework.IsHelper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts.
 CIG.Num.ISamplerInterface representing sampling objects that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space.
 CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionResultsStorage for results of a scalar function. Includes parameters at which function was (or should be) evaluated, flags specifying what has been and what should be evaluated, calculated value, gradient and Hessian of the function in the specified point.
 CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionUntransformedScalar functions of vector arguments.
 CIG.Lib.ISerializationDtoAux< Type >This interface facilitates use of static helper methods for copying on the SerializationDtoBase class. Contains those methods of ISerializationDto that don't use BaseType.
 CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.ISerializationTestArrayMemberInterface for members of arrays in classes for testing serialization.
 CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.ISerializationTestClassInterface for classes for testing serialization.
 CIG.Lib.ISerializerInterface for helper classes that perform serialization/deserialization of objects.
 CNUnit.Engine.IServiceThe IService interface is implemented by all Services. Although it is extensible, it does not reside in the Extensibility namespace because it is so widely used by the engine.
 CNUnit.Engine.IServiceLocatorIServiceLocator allows clients to locate any NUnit services for which the interface is referenced. In normal use, this linits it to those services using interfaces defined in the nunit.engine.api assembly.
 CNUnit.Engine.ISettingsThe ISettings interface is used to access all user settings and options.
 CIG.Lib.ISettingsRreaderInterface for settings readers, which read pairs key/vvalue from various files or configuration servers. Intended for simple configurations!
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ISimpleTestBuilderThe ISimpleTestBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to build a single TestMethod from a suitable MethodInfo Types. In general, it is exposed by an attribute, but may be implemented in a helper class used by the attribute in some cases.
 CIG.Sim.ISimulationComponentDtoInterface for all components of simulation DTOs
 CIG.Lib.IStringParsableDefines classes that can be converted to strings and whose values can be parsed from strings. This is used e.g. in interpreters and in variable storage systems.
 CIG.Lib.IStringParserString Parsers and Formatted Writers.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ISuiteBuilderThe ISuiteBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to build a suite from one or more Types.
 CNUnit.Framework.ITestActionWhen implemented by an attribute, this interface implemented to provide actions to execute before and after tests.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestAgencyThe ITestAgency interface is implemented by a TestAgency in order to allow TestAgents to register with it.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestAgentThe ITestAgent interface is implemented by remote test agents.
 CNUnit.Framework.Api.ITestAssemblyBuilderThe ITestAssemblyBuilder interface is implemented by a class that is able to build a suite of tests given an assembly or an assembly filename.
 CNUnit.Framework.Api.ITestAssemblyRunnerThe ITestAssemblyRunner interface is implemented by classes that are able to execute a suite of tests loaded from an assembly.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITestBuilderThe ITestBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to build one or more TestMethods from a MethodInfo. In general, it is exposed by an attribute, which has additional information available to provide the necessary test parameters to distinguish the test cases built.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITestCaseBuilderThe ITestCaseBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to build a test case from certain methods.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITestDataThe ITestData interface is implemented by a class that represents a single instance of a parameterized test.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestEventListenerThe ITestListener interface is used to receive notices of significant events while a test is running. It's single method accepts an Xml string, which may represent any event generated by the test framework, the driver or any of the runners internal to the engine. Use of Xml means that any driver and framework may add additional events and the engine will simply pass them on through this interface.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestFilterBuilderInterface to a TestFilterBuilder, which is used to create TestFilters
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestFilterServiceThe TestFilterService provides builders that can create TestFilters
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITestListenerThe ITestListener interface is used internally to receive notifications of significant events while a test is being run. The events are propagated to clients by means of an AsyncCallback. NUnit extensions may also monitor these events.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestRunThe ITestRun class represents an ongoing test run.
 CNUnit.Engine.ITestRunnerFactoryA Test Runner factory can supply a suitable test runner for a given package
 CIG.Lib.ITypedSerializableInterface for classes whose type information can be stored in the corresponding data transfer objects (DTOs) when copying contents to DTOS. This enables deserialization of serialized objects that is type dependent, without knowing in advance what is the type of serialized objects.
 CIG.Lib.ITypeNameClasses that provide separate type names. Classes used e.g. in interpreter systems to represent types of variables, implement this interface.
 CIG.Num.IVectorReal vector intrface.
 CIG.Num.IVector< T >Generic Vector interface
 CIG.Old.IVector_OldNumericsGeneric vector with components of type double.
 CIG.Old.IVector_OldNumerics< T >Generic Vector interface
 CIG.Num.IVectorApproximatorInterface for vector function approximators.
 CIG.Num.IVectorFunctionResultsVector function results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the vector function and to store function output results (e.g. values, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned and set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults().
 CIG.Gr3d.IVtkFormContainerGen< VtkControlType >This interface is implemented by the forms that contain the VTK control that can render VTK graphics.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.IWorkItemDispatcherAn IWorkItemDispatcher handles execution of work items.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IXmlNodeBuilderAn object implementing IXmlNodeBuilder is able to build an XML representation of itself and any children.
 CIG.Lib.JMatProElemetDataChemical element data used by JMatPro.
 CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.JMatResultInfoClass for checking and obtaining information about JMatPro results.
 CIG.Lib.JsonFormatterFormatting of JSON strings into human readable form.
 CIG.Lib.KeyValueSortable< Tkey, Tvalue >Class representing a key-value pair where sorting can be performed both with respect to key and with respect to value.
 CNUnit.Framework.ListThe List class is a helper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used with lists and collections.
 CNUnit.Framework.List< DisposableEnumerator< T > >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< FeatureTuple >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< int >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Constraints.EqualityAdapter >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Constraints.NUnitEqualityComparer.FailurePoint >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Interfaces.IParameterDataProvider >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITest >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.SetUpTearDownItem >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestActionItem >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestNameGenerator.NameFragment >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< NUnit.Framework.ITestAction >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< object >
 CNUnit.Framework.List< string >
 CNUnit.Framework.Assertions.ListContentsTestsSummary description for ListContentsTests.
 CNUnit.Framework.ListMapperListMapper is used to transform a collection used as an actual argument producing another collection to be used in the assertion.
 CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptTestTest optimization script cls.
 CIG.Lib.LoggerTemporary logging of errors, warnings and infos for later processing. It is used to log multiple events in order to be processed (reported or otherwise) later.
 CIG.Lib.LogRecordSingle record for temporary logging.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.LUDecompositionRepresents the LU decomposition of a square matrix.
 CIG.Old.LUDecompositionOldLU decomposition.
 CIG.Num.MDefines some mathematical functions to be used in derived and other classes
 CDotNetMatrix.examples.MagicSquareExampleExample of use of GeneralMatrix Class, featuring magic squares. *
 CMailslotNativeThe class exposes kernel32.dll methods for Mailslot communication.
 CIG.Neural.MappingDefinitionDefinition of input and output data mapping. Contains Mapped and Original Index, descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output and default valuess.
 CIG.Neural.MappingDefinitionElementBase class for input or output data element mapping definition.
 CIG.Lib.XmlParser.MarkPosition mark in the XML document
 CIG.Num.mat22D matrix, struct implementation.
 CIG.Num.mat33D matrix, struct implementation.
 CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.MaterialDirectoryInfoBaseContains information about the state of specific calculation related to material directory
 CIG.Old.Matrix_OldNumericsMatrix whose vec are real numbers.
 CIG.Old.Matrix_OldNumerics< ComponentType >Generic matrix class.
 CIG.Lib.MatrixDtoBaseDTO (data transfer object) for matrix interface (IMatrix).
 CIG.Num.MatrixExtensionsExtension methods for IMatrix interface.
 CNUnit.Framework.Attributes.MaxTimeTestsTests for MaxTime decoration.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.MCRadioactiveSphereA sphere in which gamma rays are created at random spots, flying off in random directions.
 CIG.Lib.MedicalDataHolds any data that is specified in the section that can contain any medical data, i.e. within XML element whose name equals MsgConst.OoMedicalDataContainer (="support"). This class contains converters to classes holding specific data.
 CIG.Gr.MeshBase class for all mesh classes.
 CIG.Lib.MessageAttachmentRepresents the Attachment of a msg (intended e.g. for storage of XML findings). Remark: Currently XML findings are not stored in an attachment element.
 CNUnit.Tests.Assemblies.MockAssemblyConstant definitions for the mock-assembly dll.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.MomentMathContains methods for converting between different kinds of moments.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.MonteCarloSphereA modified sphere, which had a cylinder shape cut out of it.
 CMeta.Numerics.MoreMathContains addtional basic math operations.
 CTest.MoreMathTestThis is a test class for AdvancedMathTest and is intended to contain all AdvancedMathTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CIG.Lib.MsgConstCommonCommon Constants related to messages sent with BIS. Remark: class MsgConst is composed of different part in order to make it easily scanned.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.MsgUtilTestsSummary description for MsgUtilTests.
 CIG.Lib.MultiDimensionalArray< ElementType >Multidimensional arrays.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.MultiFunctionMathContains methods for the analysis of multi-dimensional functions.
 CIG.Num.NamespaceDocThis namespace contains various numerical classes.
 CIG.Lib.NamespaceDocThis namespace contains those general classes for the IGLib base library that are not put into other base namespaces.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.NamespaceTreeBuilderClass that can build a tree of automatic namespace suites from a group of fixtures.
 CIG.Num.ExampleMathClass.NestedA nested class that does not derive from the M class, but still statidc functions from that class can be used because it is embedded in that class.
 CIG.Num.Experimental.ExampleMathClassExperimental.NestedA nested class that does not derive from the M class, but still statidc functions from that class can be used because it is embedded in that class.
 CIG.Neural.NeuralAllpicationCommandsCommands for application's interpreter for neural networks.
 CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorDtoBaseA data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11;
 CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorDtoBase< NeuralApproximatorAforge >
 CIG.Neural.NeuralFileConstConstants used in definition of neural networks approximation servers and clients working through file system.
 CIG.Neural.NeuralModelContainerFormsBaseUtility class for model container on forms.
 CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingLimitsContains Parameters that define neural network architecture limits and trainig parameter limits
 CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParametersContains Parameters that define neural network architecture and trainig procedure, together with achieved results after training such as various error norms
 CNUnit.TestData.TestFixtureTests.NoDefaultCtorFixtureClasses used for testing NUnit
 CIG.Num.NonSIUnitNon-SI units whose use is not encouraged or not allowed
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.NumericsThe Numerics class contains common operations on numeric _values.
 CNUnit.Engine.Addins.NUnit2ResultSummaryNUnit2ResultSummary summarizes test results as used in the NUnit2 XML format.
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.NUnitConfigurationProvides static methods for accessing the NUnit config file
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.NUnitEqualityComparerNUnitEqualityComparer encapsulates NUnit's handling of equality tests between objects.
 CNUnit.Agent.NUnitTestAgentSummary description for Program.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.NUnitTestCaseBuilderNUnitTestCaseBuilder is a utility class used by attributes that build test cases.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.NUnitTestFixtureBuilderNUnitTestFixtureBuilder is able to build a fixture given a class marked with a TestFixtureAttribute or an unmarked class containing test methods. In the first case, it is called by the attribute and in the second directly by NUnitSuiteBuilder.
 CIG.Lib.ObservationHolds observation data (goes to rsr... in the main table).
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.OneWayAnovaResultThe result of a one-way ANOVA test.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ConstraintBuilder.OperatorStackOperatorStack is a type-safe stack for holding ConstraintOperators
 CIG.Num.OptConstrainedUnconstrained optimization examples
 CIG.Num.OptFileConstConstants used in definition of optimization servers and clients working through file system.
 CIG.Num.OptimizationResultsBaseBase class for storage of optimization results. Stores optimal analysis results, best current guess, etc.
 CIG.Num.OptUnconstrainedUnconstrained optimization examples
 CMeta.Numerics.Functions.OrthogonalPolynomialsContains methods that compute the values of orthogonal polynomials.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.OSPlatformOSPlatform represents a particular operating system platform
 CNUnitLite.OutputManagerOutputManager is responsible for creating output files from a test run in various formats.
 CNUnit.Common.OutputSpecificationOutputSpecification encapsulates a file output path and format for use in saving the results of a run.
 CNUnitLite.OutputWriterOutputWriter is an abstract class used to write test results to a file in various formats. Specific OutputWriters are derived from this class.
 CTestWS_Lib.PackageA class that contains all data for each package.
 CNUnit.Common.PackageSettingsPackageSettings is a static class containing constant values that are used as keys in setting up a TestPackage. These values are used in the engine and framework. Setting values may be a string, int or bool.
 CIG.Lib.ParsableXmlObjectBase class for data classes that support writing data to / reading from custom XML files, writing from / to database objects, etc.
 CIG.Crypto.PasswordAlgorithmBaseBase class for algorithms that generate passwords, encryption initialization vectors, and salts from the specified keys/passwords and salts.
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.PathUtilsStatic methods for manipulating project paths, including both directories and files. Some synonyms for System.Path methods are included as well.
 CIG.Lib.PatientHolds patient's data.
 CIG.Num.PhysicalConstantData of a physical constant, including its value, standard error, units, symbol and description. This is alro used for derived SI units and non-SI units.
 CIG.Num.PhysicalUnitSI units (basic and derived)
 CPipeNativeThe class exposes kernel32.dll methods for named pipes communication.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.PlatformDetectionTestsSummary description for PlatformHelperTests.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.PlatformHelperPlatformHelper class is used by the PlatformAttribute class to determine whether a platform is supported.
 CIG.Gr.Plot2dTestZedgraphContains the Main1 function that performs some tests on 2D plotting with Zedgraph.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Plotting.PlotHQA pack of 2 class object that are used for plotting: ZedGraphWindow and PlotterZedGraph. The user adds plot objects (e.g. PlotZedGraphCurve) by constructing their classes and specifiying the plotter as an argument.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.PlottableModelBaseA template class for physical models. Each child should define its own plottable curves).
 CCShell.Sinks.PlottingExtension methods to help with plotting and access the plotting sinks.
 CMeta.Numerics.PolynomialRepresents a polynomial with real coefficients.
 CIG.Physics.SIPrefix.PrefixCollectionCollection of al prefixes for the SI units.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.PrincipalComponentRepresents a component of a principal component analysis.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.PrincipalComponentAnalysisRepresents a principal component analysis.
 CNUnit.ConsoleRunner.ProgramThis class provides the entry point for the console runner.
 CIG.Test.Program_Marko_DiplomaClass containing the main method.
 CIG.Test.Program_Marko_ExtClass containing the main method.
 CIG.App.ProgramHashShellMain class of the HashShell application.
 CIG.Test.ProgramIGShellClass containing the main method.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.PropertyNamesThe PropertyNames class provides static constants for the standard property ids that NUnit uses on tests.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.QRDecompositionRepresents a QR decomposition of a matrix.
 CIG.Lib.RalatedObservationData about related observations (findings) - findings can contain a group of these.
 CIG.Num.RandomGaussianGaussian random number generator.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.RealEigensystemRepresents a collection of real eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 CNUnit.Engine.Services.Tests.RecentFilesTestsThis fixture is used to test both RecentProjects and its base class RecentFiles. If we add any other derived classes, the tests should be refactored.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.ReflectHelper methods for inspecting a type by reflection
 CNUnit.Framework.Tests.Compatibility.ReflectionExtensionsTestsA series of unit tests to ensure that the type extensions in the portable framework behave the same as their counterparts in the full framework
 CIG.Lib.RegisterableExamplesContains examples od implementation of the IIdentifieble and IRegistrable interface. They utilize implementation of helper classes from this file..
 CUnitTests_ReporterMsg.ReporterTestThis is a test class for ReporterTest and is intended to contain all ReporterTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CIG.Test.Properties.ResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
 CResponseEvaluatorWithstorageGeneric< TypeResponseEvaluator, TypeData, TypeEvaluator >
 CNUnit.Framework.TestContext.ResultAdapterResultAdapter adapts a TestResult for consumption by the user test code.
 CCShell.Framework.Results.ResultExtensionsHelps execution coroutines easier.
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.ResultHelperResultHelper provides static methods for working with TestEngineResults to wrap, combiner and aggregate them in various ways.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ResultStateThe ResultState class represents the outcome of running a test. It contains two pieces of information. The Status of the test is an enum indicating whether the test passed, failed, was skipped or was inconclusive. The Label provides a more detailed breakdown for use by client runners.
 CNUnit.ConsoleRunner.ResultSummarySummary description for ResultSummary.
 CNUnitLite.ResultSummaryHelper class used to summarize the result of a test run
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.ResultSummarySummary description for ResultSummary.
 CNUnit.Engine.RunnerSettingsRunnerSettings is a static class containing constant values that are used as keys in the TestPackage created by the project loader.
 CNUnit.Engine.RuntimeFrameworkRuntimeFramework represents a particular version of a common language runtime implementation.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.RuntimeFrameworkRuntimeFramework represents a particular version of a common language runtime implementation.
 CIG.Lib.SampleHolds sample data.
 CIG.Num.SampledDataElementA single element of a sampled data, contains vector of input parameters and vector of output values.
 CIG.Num.SampledDataSetSampled data consisting of elements of which each contains vector of input parameters and output values
 CNUnit.Extensions.Tests.SampleFixtureExtensionTestsTest class that demonstrates SampleFixtureExtension
 CNUnit.Core.Extensions.Tests.SampleSuiteExtensionTestsTest class that demonstrates SampleSuiteExtension
 CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamplesVarious examples of scalar functions.
 CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionScriptControllerBase< ScalarFunctionType >Base class for building scalar functions from scripts. This is currently an interrmediate class between the DTO and scalar function, and will probably be gradually replaced.
 CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.Script_CommandAdapterAdapts that converts internal script commands (delegate of type Script_CommandDelegate) to interpreter commands
 CSECURITY_ATTRIBUTESSecurity Attributes structure.
 CSECURITY_DESCRIPTORSecurity Descriptor structure
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoAuxiliary base class for DTOs, contains some static methods. Provided for simplicity, such that one does not need to state type parameters
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< InputOutputDataDefiniton >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< MappingDefinition >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingLimits >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingParameters >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingTable >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< SampledDataElement >
 CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< SampledDataSet >
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.ServerUtilitiesA collection of utility methods used to create, retrieve and release TcpChannels.
 CNUnit.Engine.Internal.Tests.ServerUtilityTestsSummary description for RemotingUtilitiesTests.
 CIG.Lib.ServiceDetailContains data about individual service that is charged and stated in the DetailedFinancialTransaction msg.
 CLabexUtilities.SettingsReaderProvides functionality for retrieving settings from various sources such as application settings file or PADO server configuration file.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.SetUpTearDownItemSetUpTearDownItem holds the setup and teardown methods for a single level of the inheritance hierarchy.
 CCShell.ShellHosts all general utility methods to access and modify the shell. Use this static class to manage the workspace, open documents, evaluate code and manage or dump to the sinks.
 CNUnitLite.Tests.SilverlightTestRunnerRunner used to execute Silverlight tests under a CI server. The tests end up executing using the proper Silverlight assemblies except for mscorlib and System.dll, for which the desktop versions are used
 CIG.Lib.SimCastingRobertConstConstants for (optimization) interface with Robert Vertnik's Continuous casting simulator.
 CIG.Lib.SimJMatProConstConstants for interface with the JMatPro software (the SimJMatProFileManager and derived classes).
 CIG.Num.SimKosecConstConstants for (optimization) interface with the simulation code of Gregor Kosec.
 CNUnit.Samples.SimpleCSharpTestSome simple Tests.
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.SimpleEventRecorderA static helper to Verify that Setup/Teardown 'events' occur, and that they are in the correct order...
 CNUnit.Core.Tests.Generic.SimpleGenericFixture< TList >
 CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.SimulationInfoBaseContains information about the particular bundle of simulations to be performed.
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SingularValueDecompositionStores the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
 CIG.Physics.SIPrefixRepresents a prefix for the SI units of measure. Contains constants for all SI predixes. Class is immutable. It also has no public constructors, so instances can not be created by users of the class. The only existing instances are the constants that represent all existing prefixes of the SI units of measures, which are static constant fields of this class with predefined values.
 CIG.Num.SIPrefixSI prefixes for producing multiples of the original units (such as kilo- or micro-).
 CMeta.Numerics.Functions.SolutionPairContains a pair of solutions to a differential equation.
 CNUnit.TestData.SetupFixture.Namespace2.SomeFixtureSummary description for SetUpFixtureTests.
 CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.SpaceExtremumRepresents a maximum or minimum of a function on a multi-dimensional space.
 CIG.Num.SpeedTestCpuVarious utilities for testing computational speed of the current system.
 CIG.Old.SpeedTestCpuOldVarious utilities for testing computational speed of the current system - Old version!
 CMeta.Numerics.Spin.SpinRepresents a spinor.
 CMeta.Numerics.Spin.SpinMathContains methods for computing functions of spin and spin states.
 CMeta.Numerics.Spin.SpinStateRepresents the state of a spinor.
 CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.CompPhys.IsingModel.SpinStateCollectionA nested class providing the indexed property functionality for the _spinState list.
 CTest.SpinTestSummary description for SpinTest
 CEFA_Tests.SQL_to_XMLTestThis is a test class for SQL_to_XMLTest and is intended to contain all SQL_to_XMLTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SquareQRDecompositionRepresents the QR decomposition of a square matrix.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.StackFilterStackFilter class is used to remove internal NUnit entries from a stack trace so that the resulting trace provides better information about the test.
 CNUnit.Framework.StringAssertBasic Asserts on strings.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.StringUtilProvides methods to support legacy string comparison methods.
 CIG.Num.StructuredMesh3dStructured mesh in 3D
 CIG.Sim.TemperatureFieldDtoTemperature field.
 CTestEvaluator.TestSummary description for Class1.
 CEFA_Tests.Test_ConsoleTestThis is a test class for Test_ConsoleTest and is intended to contain all Test_ConsoleTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestActionItemTestActionItem represents a single execution of an ITestAction. It is used to track whether the BeforeTest method has been called and suppress calling the AfterTest method if it has not.
 CNUnit.Framework.TestContext.TestAdapterTestAdapter adapts a Test for consumption by the user test code.
 CIG.Test.TestApproximationBaseUnit tests for basic approximations.
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.TestBuilderUtility Class used to build and run NUnit tests used as test data
 CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.TestClassSimple class using for testing serialization.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestCommandTestCommand is the abstract base class for all test commands in the framework. A TestCommand represents a single stage in the execution of a test, e.g.: SetUp/TearDown, checking for Timeout, verifying the returned result from a method, etc
 CNUnit.Framework.TestContextProvide the context information of the current test. This is an adapter for the internal ExecutionContext class, hiding the internals from the user test.
 CIG.Test.TestCryptoUnit tests for cryptographic operations.
 CIG.Test.TestCryptoIGLibUnit tests for matrix operations.
 CNUnit.Engine.TestEngineActivatorTestEngineActivator creates an instance of the test engine and returns an ITestEngine interface.
 CNUnit.Engine.TestEngineResultWrapper class for the xml-formatted results produced by the test engine for most operations. The XML is stored as a string in order to allow serialization and actual XmlNodes are created on demand
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContextTestsSummary description for TestExecutionContextTests.
 CNUnit.Engine.TestFilterAbstract base for all test filters. A filter is represented by an XmlNode with <filter> as it's topmost element. In the console runner, filters serve only to carry this XML representation, as all filtering is done by the engine.
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.TestFinderUtility class used to locate tests by name in a test suite
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TestFixtureTestsTests of the NUnitTestFixture class
 CDotNetMatrix.test.TestMatrixTestMatrix tests the functionality of the DotNetMatrix GeneralMatrix class and associated decompositions
 CIG.Test.TestMatrixDecompositionUnit tests for matrix decompositions.
 CIG.Test.TestMatrixDecompositonMathNetUnit tests for matrix decompositions from MathDotNet library.
 CIG.Test.TestMatrixOperationsUnit tests for matrix operations.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TestNameGeneratorTestNameGenerator is able to create test names according to a coded pattern.
 CNUnit.Common.TestNameParserTestNameParser is used to parse the arguments to the -run option, separating testnames at the correct point.
 CNUnit.Engine.TestPackageTestPackage holds information about a set of test files to be loaded by a TestRunner. Each TestPackage represents tests for one or more test files. TestPackages may be named or anonymous, depending on how they are constructed.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.TestResultRepresents the result of a statistical test.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TestResultTestsSummary description for TestResultTests.
 CIG.Num.TestTrainingParametersComparersClass for testing of Comparers for NeuralTrainingParameters.
 CIG.Test.TestUtilitiesUnit tests for various utilities.
 CIG.Test.TestVectorOperationsUnit tests for vector operations.
 CIG.Gr3d.TestVtkGraphicBaseTests of 3D graphics enabled by ActiViz (VTK wrapper library).
 CTestWS_Lib.ThreadDataA class that contains all the data for each thread, that sends packages to the WS.
 CIG.Lib.ThreadPerformanceDataStores results of performance test.
 CIG.Lib.ThreadPerformanceTestUsed to measure performance of the currend thread. A standard unit operation is provided for which number of executions per second is measured. Beside number of unit operations per second, the ratio between the CPU time and the clock time is calculated, which gives the feeling of how much the processor on which the thread executes is loaded. Measurements can be performed by specifying the requested number of cycles, but also by specifying the requested time in seconds.
 CIG.Lib.ThreadPulserLaunches (immediately upon creation) a thread that performs pulsing on its object. PulseAll is perfomed on its Lock object every time the object is pulsed from another thread. This object acts as kind of proxy for pulsing and provides the object used for locking and pulsing.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.ThreadUtilityThreadUtility provides a set of static methods convenient for working with threads.
 CNUnit.Framework.ThrowsHelper class with properties and methods that supply constraints that operate on exceptions.
 CNUnit.Framework.Interfaces.TNodeTNode represents a single node in the XML representation of a Test or TestResult. It replaces System.Xml.XmlNode and System.Xml.Linq.XElement, providing a minimal set of methods for operating on the XML in a platform-independent manner.
 CNUnit.Common.TokenizerTokenizer class performs lexical analysis for the TestSelectionParser. It recognizes a very limited set of tokens: words, symbols and quoted strings. This is sufficient for the simple DSL we use to select which tests to run.
 CNUnit.Framework.Constraints.ToleranceThe Tolerance class generalizes the notion of a tolerance within which an equality test succeeds. Normally, it is used with numeric types, but it can be used with any type that supports taking a difference between two objects and comparing that difference to a value.
 CIG.Lib.TrackedThreadTracked thread object that wraps a single created thread and enables that all active wrapped threads are are tracked (i.e. a list of all active tracked threads can be obtained at any time)
 CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.TridiagonalLUDecompositionRepresents the LU decomposition of a tridiagonal matrix.
 CIG.Lib.ReporterBase.TWClassA class for storing TextWriters and some data associated with them (such as the name of the file from which a TextWriter was created), which enables searching on basis of this data.
 CNUnit.Framework.Compatibility.TypeExtensionsProvides NUnit specific extensions to aid in Reflection across multiple frameworks
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TypeHelperTypeHelper provides static methods that operate on Types.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.TypeParameterUsedWithTestMethod< T >
 CMeta.Numerics.UncertainMathContains methods for computing basic mathematical functions of uncertain values.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurement< T >Represents an experimental data point that is a function of an arbitrary variable.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurementSampleRepresents a set of UncertainMeasurement{Double} measurements.
 CMeta.Numerics.UncertainValueRepresents a value with an associated uncertainty.
 CTest.UncertainValueTestThis is a test class for UncertainValueTest and is intended to contain all UncertainValueTest Unit Tests /summary>
 CNUnit.TestUtilities.UniqueValuesUniqueValues is used to check a set of values to ensure that all values are unique or close enough to it. We specify how close as a ratio.
 CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.UnivariateDistributionRepresents a probability distribution over a single variable.
 CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh2dUnstructured mesh in 2D
 CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh3dUnstructured mesh in 3D
 CIG.Lib.UtilGeneral utilities.
 CIG.Lib.UtilConsoleUtilities for reading from a console.
 CIG.Crypto.UtilCryptoBasic Cryptographic utilities.
 CIG.Lib.UtilCsvAuxiliary utilities for dealing with files in CSV and other delimited formats
 CIG.Forms.UtilFormsVarious forms utilities.
 CIG.Petek.UtilitiesVarious general utilities used by the application.
 CIG.Ferdo.UtilitiesFerdoVarious general utilities used by the application IG.Script.AppFerdo.
 CIG.Forms.UtilResponseFormsUtilities that enable uniform behavior of response plotting forms.
 CIG.Lib.UtilSystemGeneral utilities.
 CIG.Gr3d.UtilVtkVarious VTK utilities that extend functionality of the ActiViz VTK wrappers.
 CIG.Forms.ValueChangeEventArgsEvent arguments for events bearing information about a value of type double that has changed
 CIG.Num.vec22D vector, struct implementation.
 CIG.Num.vec33D vector, struct implementation.
 CIG.Old.Vector_OldNumericsXVector whose vec are real numbers.
 CIG.Old.Vector_OldNumerics< ComponentType >
 CIG.Lib.VectorDtoBaseDTO (data transfer object) for vector interface (IVector).
 CIG.Num.VectorExtensionsExtension methods for vector classes.
 CIG.Num.VectorFunctionExamplesVarious vector function examples.
 CIG.Num.VectorFunctionScriptControllerBase< VectorFunctionType, ScalarFunctionControllerType, ScalarFunctionType >Base class for building vector functions from scripts. This is currently an interrmediate class between the DTO and a vector function, and will probably be gradually replaced.
 CIG.MPetekLibExt.Algorithms.VelocityFunctionA discrete velocity function for the purpose of solving the acceleration (a^2) minimization
 CIG.Gr3d.VtkFormsExamplesExamples from VTK forms
 CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotExamplesExamples for using classes derived from VtkPlot.
 CIG.Gr3d.VtkTestClass1For performing quick tests. Delete this later!
 CNUnit.TestData.AttributeInheritanceData.When_collecting_test_fixturesSummary description for AttributeInheritance.
 CIG.Forms.WindowPositionerTakes care of windows positioning, relative of absolute to the screen and/or other windows.
 CNUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItemA WorkItem may be an individual test case, a fixture or a higher level grouping of tests. All WorkItems inherit from the abstract WorkItem class, which uses the template pattern to allow derived classes to perform work in whatever way is needed
 CIG.Web.WSBaseExamplesClass containing some examples.
 CIG.Num.Experimental.xdoubleExtension of type double by a struct. Provides binary operaror ^ (left operand raised to the power of right operand).
 CIG.Lib.XmlSupplemental basic XML node and document manipulation utilities. Contains some useful static methods for XML manipulation.
 CNUnit.Common.XmlHelperXmlHelper provides static methods for basic XML operations.
 CNUnit.Engine.Services.ResultWriters.Tests.XmlOutputTestThis is the abstract base for all XML output tests, which need to work on a TestEngineResult. Creating a second level engine in the test domain causes problems, so this class uses internal framework classes to run the test and then transforms the XML result into a TestEngineResult for use by derived tests.
 CIG.Lib.XmlUtilityBaseBase class for various utilities operating on XmlDocumnt.
 CMeta.Numerics.XYRepresents a two-dimensional point.
 CIG.Num.ZeroFinderBaseBase class for single variable nonlinear exuation solvers.