My Precious!
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Pomaranca - Nekaj peklenskih (1993)

Track listing:
  1. Soldat 3:44
  2. Mladost 4:16
  3. Alkohol 3:40
  4. Goba zla 3:48
  5. Mleko z nozi 3:57
  6. Mora 3:05
  7. Sminka 3:27
  8. Moja smrkljica 3:42
  9. Moli 3:53
  10. Uniformiranci 5:55
  11. Orgia 7:46
  12. Madrbringer 4:46
  13. Got to be 4:11
  14. Your eyes call me back to Tokyo 4:10
  15. Release 4:53
  16. Let the child be born 5:03
  17. Krvave cipke 4:04