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Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks (40th Anniversary Edition) (2017)

Track listing:
  1. Holidays in the Sun (Remastered) 3:23
  2. Bodies (Remastered) 3:03
  3. No Feelings (Remastered) 2:50
  4. Liar (Remastered) 2:42
  5. God Save the Queen (Remastered 3:19
  6. Problems (Remastered) 4:11
  7. Seventeen (Remastered) 2:02
  8. Anarychy in the U.K. (Remastered) 3:32
  9. Submission (Remastered) 4:13
  10. Pretty Vacant (Remastered) 3:17
  11. New York (Remastered) 3:05
  12. EMI (Remastered) 3:11
Studio Rarities, Demos, Outakes, Mixes
  1. No Feelings (B-Side) 2:46
  2. Did You No Wrong (B-Side) 3:10
  3. No Fun (B-Side) 6:22
  4. Satellite (B-Side) 3:59
  5. New York (Demo) 3:21
  6. Unlimited Edition (Demo) 3:17
  7. Liar (Demo) 3:10
  8. Pretty Vacant (Demo) 3:04
  9. Problems (Demo) 4:18
  10. No Future (Demo Version of God Save The Queen) 3:52
  11. Did You No Wrong (Alternative Vocal) 3:15
  12. Seveteen (Alternative Vocal) 2:06
  13. Satellite (Rough Mix) 4:01
  14. Submission (Rough Mix) 4:10
  15. Holidays In The Sun (Rough Mix) 3:32
  16. EMI (Rough Mix) 3:19
  17. Seventeen (Rough Mix) 2:04
  18. Holiday In The Sun (Alternative Mix) 3:29
  19. Body (Demo version of Bodies) 3:53
  20. Submission (Alternative Mix) 4:12
  21. Belsen Was A Gas (Demo) 2:32
Live 1977
  1. Anarchy In The UK (Live in Trondheim 77) 3:30
  2. I Wanna Be Me (Live in Trondheim 77) 3:43
  3. Seventeen (Live in Trondheim 77) 2:00
  4. New York (Live in Trondheim 77) 3:19
  5. EMI (Live in Trondheim 77) 3:26
  6. No Fun (Live in Trondheim 77) 4:37
  7. No Feelings (Live in Trondheim 77) 2:26
  8. Problems (Live in Trondheim 77) 4:20
  9. God Save The Queen (Live in Trondheim 77) 2:33
  10. Anarchy In The UK (Live in Stockholm 77) 3:50
  11. I Wanna Be Me (Live in Stockholm 77) 3:04
  12. Seventeen (Live in Stockholm 7 2:21
  13. New York (Live in Stockholm 77 3:25
  14. EMI (Live in Stockholm 77) 3:26
  15. Submission (Live in Stockholm 4:05
  16. No Feelings (Live in Stockholm 77) 3:05
  17. Problems (Live in Stockholm 77 4:34
  18. God Save The Queen (Live in Stockholm 77) 4:31
  19. Pretty Vacant (Live in Stockholm 77) 4:13
  20. No Fun Pretty Vacant (Live in Stockholm 77) 5:29