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Sons of Apollo - Psychotic Symphony (Limited 2 CD Edition) (2017)

Track listing:
Psychotic Symphony
  1. God of the Sun 11:12
  2. Coming Home 4:22
  3. Signs of the Time 6:42
  4. Labyrinth 9:22
  5. Alive 5:05
  6. Lost in Oblivion 4:27
  7. Figaro's Whore 1:04
  8. Divine Addiction 4:42
  9. Opus Maximus 10:39
Instrumental Mixes
  1. God of the Sun [Instrumental] 11:12
  2. Coming Home [Instrumental] 4:22
  3. Signs of the Time [Instrumental] 6:42
  4. Labyrinth [Instrumental] 9:22
  5. Alive [Instrumental] 5:05
  6. Lost in Oblivion [Instrumental] 4:27
  7. Figaro's Whore [Instrumental] 1:04
  8. Divine Addiction [Instrumental 4:42
  9. Opus Maximus [Instrumental] 10:39