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Frank Zappa - Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar [Boxset] (1981)

Track listing:
Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar
  1. Five-Five-FIVE (from Conehead) 2:35
  2. Hog Heaven (from Easy Meat) 2:49
  3. Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar (from Inca Roads) 5:38
  4. While You Were Out 6:00
  5. Treacherous Cretins 5:34
  6. Heavy Duty Judy 4:42
  7. Soup 'N Old Clothes (from Illinois Enema Bandit) 7:53
Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar Some More
  1. Variations On The Carlos Santana Secret Chord Progression (from City Of Tiny Lites) 3:58
  2. Gee, I Like Your Pants (from Inca Roads) 2:35
  3. Canarsie ( (from Easy Meat) 6:05
  4. Ship Ahoy (from Zoot Allures) 5:20
  5. The Deathless Horsie 6:20
  6. Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar Some More (from Inca Roads) 6:53
  7. Pink Napkins (from Black Napkins) 4:38
Return Of The Son Of Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar
  1. Beat It With Your Fist (from The Torture Never Stops) 1:58
  2. Return Of The Son Of Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar (from Inca Roads) 8:30
  3. Pinocchio's Furniture (from Chunga's Revenge) 2:05
  4. Why Johnny Can't Read (from Pound From A Brown) 4:15
  5. Stucco Homes 9:08
  6. Canard Du Jour 9:57