My Precious!
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Corkscrew - ...To Be Continued (Best Off) (2009)

Track listing:
  1. One Fit... 3:46
  2. ... Seizes All 1:53
  3. Friendly Fire 5:07
  4. Mortal 3:54
  5. Los Muertes 0:04
  6. Sane 0:07
  7. Insane 5:18
  8. .Eternal For The Time Being I (Chronophobia) 0:04
  9. What If... L 4:07
  10. What If... R 0:19
  11. Ad Pugnam Pax Inutilis Est 0:05
  12. Violenza Poetica 3:50
  13. Closer Away 3:53
  14. Way Closer 2:18
  15. Lightsuckers 2:50
  16. Down To Earth Plan Of 2:41
  17. Spontaneous 1:34
  18. Nuclear Regression 0:54
  19. Suspended Animation Analysis 2:20
  20. I Cut My Family While Shaving 4:05
  21. We Are After Us 4:18
  22. Orgasmic Antipleasure 0:05
  23. Mortal (-1) 1:07
  24. Mortal (-2) 0:04
  25. Mortal (-3) 2:42
  26. Eternal For The Time Being Ii (Apeirophobia) 4:08
  27. Requiem De Los Vivos 0:04
  28. Code Black 0:16
  29. Day In Die Out 0:54
  30. Individual Though Through Patterns 3:18
  31. Torn 2:43
  32. Baar Yezedaayaa 3:09
  33. Achluophobia 1:17
  34. Morituri Te Salutant 0:05