

Hubad 0


Samo Hubad’s brilliant qualities came to their right on conducting Shostakovich’s Sixth Symphony. The quality of his knovledge, the simplicity of his gestures and before all the stability of the artistic conception created a very enjoyable performance.
Helsinki Ilatsanomat, Helsinki 1953

Hubad 1 who is who

Execution magnifique ... Une execution de "Boris" telle qu’on n’en entend guère à Paris. La direction de Samo Hubad est la meilleure que nous ayons entendue depuis celle du regretté Dobroven ... Une execution musicale difficile a égaler.

(Représentation de l’Opera de Zagreb)
Arts (Jacques Bourgeois), Paris 1961

With consistency worth of confidence the Symphonic Orchestra of RTV Ljubljana under the batton of Samo Hubad reveals an artistic physiognomy endeavouring professional ambitions and demands. With hard work this ensemble has attained the name and reputation of being a representative symphonic body of its republic and our fatherland

Politika ekspres (M. Vukdragovic), Beograd 1976


With the exemplary presentation of Brahms' Second Symphony the Yugoslav musician gave convincing evidence of his having made the score with all its intricacies perfectly his own, and how deeply he had immersed in the spirit of the great German romanticist's highly involved art. It was not the last movement's unfailing affects this conductor was found relying upon, but his emphasis was on the mere movements, and on the structural oneness of the whole. Samo Hubad's comprehensive musicianship and authoritative leadership had already been in full evidence at his first concert with Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

The Mainichi Daily News
(Klaus Pringsheim)
Tokyo 1962


Samo Hubad

Mit einer grandiosen Leistung von außerordentlichem künstlerischem wie technischem Rang begeisterte das RTV-Orchester Ljubljana bei seinem ersten Auftreten im Arkadenhof des Wiener Rathauses. Was Schönheit und Fülle des Klangs, sowie instrumentale Perfektion anlangt, brauchen die Gäste uas Ljubljana den Vergleich mit den renommierten Spitzenorchestern nicht mehr zu scheuen. Bei aller Perfektion hat man bei der Zusammenarbeit des Orchesters mit seinem Chefdirigenten Samo Hubad niemals den Eindruck seelenloser Dressur. Das Musizieren bleibt immer auf das lebendige Miteinanderwirken von Menschen abgestimmt ... P. I. Tschaikowskis ... Fünfte Symphonie erklang in der Wiedergabe Samo Hubads und seines Orchesters in aller Schönheit und menschlichen Tiefe. da kam keinen Augenblick äußerliche Effekthascherei oder betulicher Emotionskitsch auf, alles quoll, ganz wie der Komponist es verlangte, aus der "Tiefe der Inspiration".
Spitzenniveau im Arkadenhof, Volksstimme (Fr. Tud.), Wien 1974

Convincing mastery, emotional balance, lucidity of thought, and a striving for simplicity in musical creation, - these are foundamental features in the art of Samo Hubad. Our yugoslav guest was successful in establishing contact with one of our best orchestras (USSR Radio Symphony Orchestra), from which he elicited veritable miracles of harmonic ensemble. His interpretation of the Fourth Brahms’ Symphony created an impression of monolithic strength.

Sovjetskaja kultura, Moscow 1962

