mr Slavko Kovacevic, Novo mesto
The consumer demands on roofing have constantly been increasing during the past decades. Although the basic demands, reliability and protection from weather conditions, have remained the same, new demands have been introduced. These concern the fact that attics are more and more often used for living in, and the fact that also the demands regarding the shape of the roof have changed considerably. This leads to the creation of a larger number of spots where rain, dust or snow might penetrate the roof covering. Therefore, accurate planning, professional roofing, top-quality roof covering material and the availability of all the additional original parts are essential for the elaboration of reliable roofs. The Slovene roof covering manufacturer Bramac devotes much of its attention to the training of roofers; more than 500 roofing companies attended Bramac training courses so far. The roofers in posession of a Bramac professional certificate are entitled to offer not only a 30-year guarantee that quality materials have been used for the products, but also a 10-year guarantee that the roofing has been carried out professionaly. Among the important advantages of Bramac products is a large shape and colour selection. Buyers may choose from five types of product and four different colours. The Markant tile is the latest product that Bramac has introduced to the Slovene market. The Markant tile boasts of a long tradition. It is the ideal roof covering for the renovation of traditional roofs and the roofing of new buildings. It fits perfectly either the urban, suburban and rural surroundings, and is also available in grey. Furthermore, the company has been preparing for a further increase of demands on quality. These will be due to stronger competition accompanying Slovenia's joining the European Union. Bramac has therefore modernised and automatised its production technology. Now, all the manufacturing is situated in one location only, and the company produces 25 million tiles per year. In this way, the company has succeeded in guaranteeing a better quality of their products and in lowering its production costs.