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dr Michal Šarafín, Bratislava


Slovak villages have undergone many changes, new houses have replaced the old ones, and the city has become the model for village design. The programme about the renovation of Slovak villages assigns architecture an important role. The renovation of villages, which is an all-European phenomenon, is in Slovakia accompanied by yet another challenge for architecture, i.e. advancing its own theory and methodology. The renovation of Slovak villages is inhabitant-centred, with much attention being paid to a harmonised modification of the spiritual and cultural values of the countryside. Architecture represents the pillar of the new functions ascribed to the countryside. The humanisation of the environment underlines the importance of man in the development of rural areas. The modification of the cultural value, on the other hand, introduces conditions allowing for the co-existence of the village and its surroundings, thus giving life to the village community. Furthermore, the village renovation is enriched by a strong environmental component. Architecture therefore not only restores the villages' unique identity by constructing houses, but also by integrating them into their environment. The questions architecture will have to ask itself concern the ideas of regionalism and tradition. Influenced by the spirit of the coming millennium, architecture has been aiming at establishing a harmony with the surrounding environment, and a special school of landscape architecture is being established in Slovakia. Each village is assigned a special role in this process while village renovation is being turned into the centre of architectural creativity. In a time characterised by development and prosperity, village renovation aiming at uniqueness and money saving represents a particular challenge.The paper will present an overview of the process, with actual examples forming the basis of the study. The solutions proposed and their applications will serve as a starting point for observations about self-management in Slovak villages.