prof Dušan Moškon, Ljubljana
It is risky to make a prognosis about vernacular architecture since this has developed according to its own rules in a particular space and time, and because of the inconsistencies and virtual development caracterising the time we live in. In spite of the globalisation forecast, tendencies towards the acknowledgement of European regional identity have not ceased to exist. This means that vernacular architecture will, in spite of its co-existance with new architecture, continue performing its identity mission. This will be obtained by means of:
- renovation and preservation projects underlying the importance of tourist sights on the spacial level,
- implementing content, space, technical and technological modernisations when carrying out new ideas, and
- confirmation of latent regional identity on the visual level.
Experts in architecture should be more consistently involved in the preparation of the new law on space planning in order to prevent the so-called pseudoarchitecture from mushrooming. The non-city areas might otherwise experience the birth of new constructions suggested by younger generations and supporters of the so-called pop art. Similarly, a more flexible architecture of the so-called »new-age nomads« might bloom, introducing quickly changing and astonishing buildings into the landscape.
In a world where everybody predicts that a heterogeneous architectural style suitable to the internet user will prevail, our interest remains in the improvement of the landscape, with particular attention being paid to the architectural identity of the area.