ms Iva Å ubelj Kramar, Ljubljana
The Gradbeni center (the Construction Centre), often functioning as the crossroads of construction information, is involved in the preparation of architectural heritage exhibitions. The planning, preparation and elaboration of exhibitions enable the centre to establish contacts with experts in traditional approaches to construction. The co-operation between the centre, the above-mentioned experts and experts in the preservation of architectural heritage is presented to visitors and prospective consumers. Lately, the interest in the preservation of architectural heritage has increased. With attempts at supporting investors and involving craftspersons, companies, scientific institutes and various experts, the centre has succeeded in providing solutions for projects on architectural heritage preservation. These solutions, involving the usage of modern materials, do not affect but rather complement architectural heritage, for they focus on the introduction of modern comfort in renovated buildings. The Gradbeni center exhibition of the architectural heritage of the Bovec-Trenta area has shed light on the characteristics of local vernacular architecture and on the possibilities of the introduction of modern materials into the process of preservation and renovation with special attention being devoted to tradition. A sample-house pilot project is being prepared in close co-operation with manufacturers. The renovation of a Bovec house, financed by investors and the owner of the building, will incorporate a carefully inspected architectural heritage preservation project and attempts at creating an atmosphere of modern comfort. The preservation of vernacular architecture depends on our capability of finding the place this type of architecture deserves in modern times. The paper describes a project attempting to prevent vernacular architecture from disappearing, for it is vernacular architecture that make places interesting to visitors and tourists.