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dr Martina Zbašnik Senegačnik, Ljubljana


Pollution is, to a large extent, caused by industry, and therefore by the production of building materials as well. Most of the materials produce negative effects on the environment throughout their life cycle. The consequences can be observed in the extent and type of interventions in the natural environment, energy consumption, emissions and waste, and eventual repercussions on people's health and well-being. In the future, environment-conscious professionals will therefore have to decide for building materials with a considerable amount of criticism and responsibility towards man and environment.

From the very beginning, man has been using clay for the construction of dwellings. This cheap and widely spread building material is also very healthy and requires only a small amount of energy consumption during the construction process. Furthermore, when applied appropriately, clay provides for healthy and comfortable living conditions. Recently, clay has been rediscovered and ancient knowledge about this building material has been applied in the construction of new buildings. Thus clay may be considered as the building material of the future.