ms Tanja Nemec, Nova Gorica
The human environment is involved into continual changing, designed by architecture and materials. How to preserve recognizable structures, settlements and entirely designed architecturally definable landscapes is for us - the building materials producers - the main principle and base for planning the development. Introduction of new friendly materials and application techniques in environment is essentially part of our intentions.
One century old Hatschek's technology for asbestos-cement roofing material production is definitively withdrawed. It marked the country and architecture, also the vernacular one. In the new Joint-Venture Co. ESALŇ in Anhovo we are introducing the high quality program of fibre-cement corrugated sheets and slates according to the technology of Swiss Eternit, which are tested in the most demanding climatic conditions and adopted to the needs of actual construction and demands for preservation of architectural and country heritage.
The wide range of types, formats, colour nuances and elaborated details give to the architects and country designers numberless possibilities for designing the key architectural elements: roofs and facades are making the real harmony with the environment and space. And not only roofs and facades, here are jutting roofs of wells, granaries, corn-racks, sacral structures, mountain cottages and other structures of invaluable cultural and architectural value, damaged by the tie of time and need to be renovated and protected with the new image.
But, the rural and city nucleus are not only under the influence of natural ageing process, unfortunately they are affected by the natural catastrophes, too. Recently it happened to our splendid area of Bovec. The earthquake has significantly shaked walls of typical house of Bovec, the typical cement roofing tile »Bovški špičak« has fallen down from the roofs ... And, here we are, in scope to find and offer the right solutions for replacing the aged traditional one, so we could preserve the characteristics and identity of places and landscapes together with the branch of profession ...