The household at Strtenica 21 lies northwest of Zibika by a forgotten trade route which used to connect inner Kozjansko with Šmarje pri Jelšah and Celje. Seven structures of the household are marked by rich stony fittings - portals, window frames, columns, walls and pavements. In 170 years the environment factors have left a strong mark in the limestone, and this needs a thorough conservatory-restoration intervention. The builders of the household acquired the limestone from two nearby quarries. Results of the mechanical-physical research and the subsistence properties of the fresh rock do not meet the required JUS standards for natural stone, so in the exterior building well considered protection is called for. The moldering of the in-built stone products is intensive on the surface as well as inside the stone. The surfaces exposed to the impact of wind and moisture are damaged the most, and have through the years lost the limy coat. In the interior of the stone we see the occurrence of secondary minerals, such as gypsum and apthithalit, and changes in the mineral and chemical structure in comparison with the fresh rock. A set of researches of the fresh and the molded stone is just a partial contribution to the completeness of the renovation demanded by the monument-preservation approach for an efficient preservation of the cultural heritage. Re-opening one of the quarries should be considered to ensure the preservation of the original appearance of the household and the particularity of the cultural region.