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BladeEnc is distributed as free software under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), granting you the right to use, modify and redistribute the program under the very liberal terms of the LGPL. Source code is available under the same terms from

Please read this before downloading!


Latest stable version: 0.94.2
Operating System File name File size (B) Upload date Comments
Amiga WarpOS (PowerPC) BEnc-0942-WarpOS-PowerPC.lzx 216.657 17/05/2001 homepage
AtheOS (i386+) BEnc-0942-AtheOS-i386.tar.gz 112.476 01/05/2002 none
BeOS (i586+) 74.975 11/07/2001 homepage
FreeBSD 4.3+ (i586+) BEnc-0942-FreeBSD4.3-i586.tar.gz 60.980 29/07/2000 none
HP-UX 10.20+ BEnc-0942-HPUX10.20.tar.gz 97.560 11/11/2000 none
Irix (64 libs) BEnc-0942-Irix-64.tar.gz 125.105 21/07/2002 none
Irix (n32 libs) BEnc-0942-Irix-n32.tar.gz 121.288 21/07/2002 none
Linux (Debian unstable (Sid), i386+) BEnc-0942-LinuxSid-i386.deb 53.518 01/08/2001 homepage
Linux (i586+) BEnc-0942-Linux-i586.tar.gz 61.866 01/05/2002 none
Linux (RPM, i386+) BEnc-0942-LinuxRPM-i386.rpm 72.913 01/05/2002 none
Mac OS X BEnc-0942-MaxOSX.sitx 105.227 29/06/2003 none
NeXT BEnc-0942-NeXT.tar.gz 49.493 27/08/2004 none
OpenBSD 2.9+ BEnc-0942-OpenBSD2.9.tar.gz 113.924 08/09/2001 none
QNX RTP 6.1A (i586) BEnc-0942-QNXRTP6.1a-i586.tar.gz 61.392 19/07/2001 none
QNX RTP (ix86) BEnc-0942-QNXRTP-ix86.tar.gz 66.441 11/07/2001 none
QNX RTP 6.1A (i586) BEnc-0942-QNXRTP6.1a-i586.tar.gz 61.392 19/07/2001 none
Slackware 9.1 (i686) BEnc-0942-Slackware9.1-i686.tar.gz 54.416 27/11/2003 none
Solaris (UltraSparc, ILP32) BEnc-0942-Solaris-UltraSparcILP32.tar.gz 121.913 01/12/2001 none
SunOS 5.6+ BEnc-0942-SunOS5.6.tar.gz 105.009 25/05/2001 none
Win64 (Itanium) 242.011 11/07/2001 none
Windows (i586+) 97.612 17/05/2001 If you have Windows 9x, Me or 2000 download this
Windows (i586+) - DLL 84.497 17/05/2001 If you have Windows 9x, Me or 2000 and you need plug-in for some program download this
Windows (P4) 142.543 14/09/2001 If you have Windows 9x, Me or 2000 and P4 CPU download this
Windows (P4) - DLL 140.977 15/09/2001 If you have Windows 9x, Me or 2000 and P4 CPU and you need plug-in for some program download this

Latest unstable (development) version: none
This version is intended for testers (and you can be tester, too).
Operating System File name File size (B) Upload date Comments
none none none none none

Old versions
Operating System File name File size (B) Upload date Comments
AIX 4+ (IBM RS6K) BEnc-0941-AIX4-IBMRS6K.bff 563.200 01/05/2002 version 0.94.1
Digital Unix (DEC Alpha) BEnc-075-DigitalUnix-DECAlpha.tar.gz 109.358 22/10/2000 version 0.75
Digital Unix (DEC Alpha) BEnc-075-DigitalUnix-DECAlphastatic.tar.gz 230.970 22/10/2000 version 0.75, static
FreeBSD (DEC Alpha) BEnc-075-FreeBSD-DECAlpha.tar.gz 110.546 22/10/2000 version 0.75
Irix 6.2+ BEnc-082-Irix6.2.tar.gz 149.288 22/10/2000 version 0.82
Linux (Caldera 2.3+, i386+) BEnc-0941-LinuxCaldera2.3-i386.tar.gz 61.688 27/04/2001 version 0.94.1
Linux (DEC Alpha) BEnc-090-Linux-DECAlpha.tar.gz 734.945 22/10/2000 version 0.90
Linux (MIPS) BEnc-076-Linux-MIPS.tar.gz 160.197 22/10/2000 version 0.76
Linux (PPC) BEnc-090-Linux-PPC.tar.gz 125.845 22/10/2000 version 0.90
Linux (Sparc) BEnc-076-Linux-Sparc.tar.gz 131.489 22/10/2000 version 0.76
Mac BEnc-0926-Mac.sit 541.624 23/01/2001 version 0.92.6, homepage
DOS (i586+) 107.012 06/05/2001 version 0.94.1
NetBSD (PMax 1.4+) BEnc-091-NetBSD-PMax1.4.tar.gz 209.860 22/10/2000 version 0.91
OpenServer 5+ (i386+) BEnc-0941-OpenServer5-i386.tar.gz 80.004 27/04/2001 version 0.94.1
OS-2 (i586+) 144.067 25/10/2000 version 0.92
Solaris (i586+) BEnc-089-Solaris-i586.tar.gz 222.413 22/10/2000 version 0.89
UnixWare 7+ (i386+) BEnc-0941-UnixWare7-i386.tar.gz 69.402 27/04/2001 version 0.94.1
Windows NT (DEC Alpha) 238.767 22/10/2000 version 0.91
Windows NT (DEC Alpha) - DLL 227.467 22/10/2000 version 0.91

If you can (and want to) compile and send me binary (binaries) for other operating system(s) please send it (them).
But be sure that they are working and are optimized. For more information read this.

Source code

Source code can be obtained here.

visitors since 1st of September 2000